

  FSread_annot   <-input ANNOTFILE>
                 [-FScmap CMAPFILE]
                 [-FScmaprange iMin iMax]
                 [-FSversion VER]
                 [-col_1D annot.1D.col]
                 [-roi_1D annot.1D.roi]
                 [-cmap_1D annot.1D.cmap]
  Reads a FreeSurfer annotaion file and outputs
  an equivalent ROI file and/or a colormap file
  for use with SUMA.

  Required options:
     -input ANNOTFILE: Binary formatted FreeSurfer
                       annotation file.
     AND one of the optional options.
  Optional options:
     -FScmap CMAPFILE: Get the colormap from the Freesurfer
                       colormap file CMAPFILE.
                       Colormaps inside the ANNOTFILE would be
                       ignored. See also MakeColorMap's fscolut* options.
                       With FSversion set to 2009, if FScmap is not set,
                       the program will attempt to locate
                       FreeSurferColorLUT.txt based on the environment
                       variable $FREESURFER_HOME
                       You can use FS_DEFAULT to force the program to load
                       FreeSurfer's $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
     -FScmaprange iMin iMax: CMAPFILE contains multiple types of labels
                       The annotation values in ANNOTFILE can map to multiple
                       labels if you do not restrict the range with
                       iMin and iMax. That is because annotation values
                       encode color in RGB which is used to lookup a name
                       and integer label from CMAPFILE. The same color is
                       used for multiple labels.
                       When an external CMAPFILE is needed (a2009 versions),
                       the programs uses a default of [13100 13199] for lh,
                       [14100 14199] for rh surfaces.
                       If CMAPFILE is set to FS_DEFAULT in a2005 versions,
                       the programs uses a default of [3100 3199] for lh,
                       [4100 4199] for rh surfaces.
     -FSversion VER: VER is the annotation file vintage. Choose from 2009,
                     or 2005. The program will attempt to guess from the name
                     ANNOTFILE and would default to 2005.
     -hemi HEMI: Specify hemisphere. HEMI is one of lh or rh.
                 Program guesses by default
     -col_1D annot.1D.col: Write a 4-column 1D color file.
                           The first column is the node
                           index followed by r g b values.
                           This color file can be imported
                           using the 'c' option in SUMA.
                           If no colormap was found in the
                           ANNOTFILE then the file has 2 columns
                           with the second being the annotation
     -roi_1D annot.1D.roi: Write a 5-column 1D roi file.
                           The first column is the node
                           index, followed by its index in the
                           colormap, followed by r g b values.
                           This roi file can be imported
                           using the 'Load' button in SUMA's
                           'Draw ROI' controller.
                           If no colormap was found in the
                           ANNOTFILE then the file has 2 columns
                           with the second being the annotation
     -dset annot.niml.dset: Write the annotation and colormap as a
                            niml formatted Label Dset. This type of dset
                            gets special treatement in SUMA.
     -cmap_1D annot.1D.cmap: Write a 4-column 1D color map file.
                             The first column is the color index,
                             followed by r g b and flag values.
                             The name of each color is inserted
                             as a comment because 1D files do not
                             support text data.
     -show_FScmap: Show the info of the colormap in the ANNOT file.
     -dset DSET: Write out a niml formatted label dataset which is handled
                   in a special way in SUMA. If AFNI_NIML_TEXT_DATA is set
                   to YES, then output is ASCII NIML.

Compile Date:
   Mar 27 2018