============================================================================= - perform various system checks
This program is intended to be helpful for figuring out AFNI installation
1. -check_all
2a. -find_prog python
2b. -find_prog python -exact yes
terminal options:
-help : show this help
-help_dot_files : show help on shell setup files
-help_rc_files : SAME
-hist : show program history
-show_valid_opts : show valid options for program
-todo : show current todo list
-ver : show current version
NOTE: either a terminal or an action option is required
action options:
-check_all : perform all system checks
- see section, "details displayed via -check_all"
-dot_file_list : list all found dot files (startup files)
-dot_file_show : display contents of all found dot files
-dot_file_pack NAME : create a NAME.tgz packge containing dot files
-find_prog PROG : search PATH for PROG
- default is *PROG*, case-insensitive
- see also -casematch, -exact
other options:
-casematch yes/no : match case in -find_prog
-data_root DDIR : search for class data under DDIR
-exact yes/no : search for PROG without wildcards in -find_prog
details displayed via -check_all (just run to see):
general information:
- CPU, operating system and version, # CPUs, login shell
AFNI and related tests:
- which afni, python, R and tcsh, along with versions
- check for multiple afni packages in PATH
- check that various AFNI programs run
python libs:
- check that various python libraries are found and loaded
path vars:
- show some environment variables related to the PATH
R Reynolds July, 2013