#++ align_epi_anat version: 1.57
=========================================================================== - align EPI to anatomical datasets or vice versa
This Python script computes the alignment between two datasets, typically
an EPI and an anatomical structural dataset, and applies the resulting
transformation to one or the other to bring them into alignment.
This script computes the transforms needed to align EPI and
anatomical datasets using a cost function designed for this purpose. The
script combines multiple transformations, thereby minimizing the amount of
interpolation applied to the data.
Basic Usage: -anat anat+orig -epi epi+orig -epi_base 5
The user must provide EPI and anatomical datasets and specify the EPI
sub-brick to use as a base in the alignment.
Internally, the script always aligns the anatomical to the EPI dataset,
and the resulting transformation is saved to a 1D file.
As a user option, the inverse of this transformation may be applied to the
EPI dataset in order to align it to the anatomical data instead.
This program generates several kinds of output in the form of datasets
and transformation matrices which can be applied to other datasets if
needed. Time-series volume registration, oblique data transformations and
Talairach (standard template) transformations will be combined as needed
and requested (with options to turn on and off each of the steps) in
order to create the aligned datasets.
**Note the intermediate datasets used to compute the alignment are **not**
saved unless one of the -save_xxx options is given. This includes
skull-stripped, slice timing corrected and volume registered datasets
without alignment. These intermediated datasets are normally deleted.
See the -save_xxx section below for more information on saving these
datasets for future use.
Depending upon selected options, the script's output contains the following:
ANAT_al+orig: A version of the anatomy that is aligned to the EPI
EPI_al+orig: A version of the EPI dataset aligned to the anatomy
EPI_tlrc_al+tlrc: A version of the EPI dataset aligned to a standard
These transformations include slice timing correction and
time-series registration by default.
Transformation matrices:
ANAT_al_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to align anatomy to the EPI
EPI_al_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to align EPI to anatomy
(inverse of above)
EPI_vr_al_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to volume register EPI
EPI_reg_al_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to volume register and align epi
to anatomy (combination of the two
previous matrices)
EPI_al_tlrc_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to volume register and align epi
to anatomy and put into standard space
Motion parameters from optional volume registration:
EPI_tsh_vr_motion.1D: motion parameters from EPI time-series
registration (tsh included in name if slice
timing correction is also included).
where the uppercase "ANAT" and "EPI" are replaced by the prefix names
of the input datasets, and the suffix can be changed from "_al" as a user
You can use these transformation matrices later to align other datasets:
3dAllineate -cubic -1Dmatrix_apply epi_r1_al_mat.aff12.1D \
-prefix epi_alman epi_r2+orig
The goodness of the alignment should always be assessed visually.
Superficially, most of 3dAllineate's cost functions, and those
of registration programs from other packages, will produce a plausible
alignment based upon a cursory examination but it may not be the best.
You need to examine the results carefully if alignment quality is crucial
for your analysis.
In the absence of a gold standard, and given the low contrast of EPI data,
it is difficult to judge alignment quality by just looking at the two
volumes. This is the case, even when you toggle quickly between one volume
and the next, by turning the color overlay off and using the 'u' key in the
slice viewer window. To aid with the assessment of alignment, you can use
the -AddEdge option or call the @AddEdge script directly. See the help for
@AddEdge for more information on that script.
The default options assume the epi and anat datasets start off fairly close,
as is normally the case when the epi dataset closely precedes or follows an
anatomical dataset acquisition. If the two data are acquired over separate
sessions, or accurate coordinate data is not available in the dataset header
(as sometimes occurs for oblique data), various options allow for larger
movement including "-cmass cmass", "-big_move","-giant_move",
"-ginormous_move", and -align_centers yes". Each of these options
is described below. If the datasets do not share the same
coordinate space at all, it may be useful to use the "-ginormous_move",
"-align_centers" options or run @Align_Centers script first.
Although this script has been developed primarily for aligning anatomical T1
data with EPI BOLD data, it has also been successfully applied for aligning
similar modality data together, including T1-SPGR to T1-SPGR, T1-FLAIR
to T1-SPGR, EPI to EPI, T1-SPGR at 7T to T1-SPGR at 3T, EPI-rat1 to
EPI-rat2, .... If this kind of alignment is required, the default cost
function, the Local Pearson Correlation (lpc), is not appropriate.
Other cost functions like lpa or nmi have been seen to work well for
intra-modality alignment, using the option "-cost lpa". Also see the the
dset1 and dset2 options below for functionally equivalent options to the
epi and anat options.
-epi dset : name of EPI dataset
-anat dset : name of structural dataset
-epi_base : the epi base used in alignment
-help : this help message
-anat2epi : align anatomical to EPI dataset (default)
-epi2anat : align EPI to anatomical dataset
The following options are equivalent to those epi/anat options above
except it is assumed the datasets will have similar modalities if
either dset1 or dset2 is specified, and the default cost function is
changed to 'lpa' instead of 'lpc'. This should reduce confusion when
aligning other types of datasets. Most other options that also have
names with anat and epi have corresponding dset1 and dset2 options
that are exactly equivalent.
-dset1 : name of dataset1
-dset2 : name of dataset2
-dset1to2 : align dataset1 to dataset2
-dset2to1 : align dataset2 to dataset1
-suffix ssss: append suffix 'sss' to the original anat/epi dataset to use
in the resulting dataset names (default is "_al")
-child_epi dset1 dset2 ... : specify other EPI datasets to align.
Time series volume registration will be done to the same
base as the main parent EPI dataset.
Note if aligning anat to epi, you can still use the -save_vr option
to save the volume registered (motion corrected) datasets. See the
-save_xxx option section of this help for more information.
-child_dset2 equivalent to child_epi above
-child_anat dset1 dset2 ... : specify other anatomical datasets to align.
The same transformation that is computed for the parent anatomical
dataset is applied to each of the child datasets. This only makes
sense for anat2epi transformations. Skullstripping is not done for
the child anatomical dataset.
-child_dset1 equivalent to child_anat above
-AddEdge : run @AddEdge script to create composite edge images of
the base epi or anat dataset, the pre-aligned dataset and
the aligned dataset. Datasets are placed in a separate
directory named AddEdge. The @AddEdge can then be used
without options to drive AFNI to show the epi and anat
datasets with the edges enhanced. For the -anat2epi case
(the default), the anat edges are shown in purple, and the
epi edges are shown in cyan (light blue). For the -epi2anat
case, the anat edges are shown in cyan, and the epi edges
are purple. For both cases, overlapping edges are shown in
dark purple.
-big_move : indicates that large displacement is needed to align the
two volumes. This option is off by default.
-giant_move : even larger movement required - uses cmass, two passes and
very large angles and shifts. May miss finding the solution
in the vastness of space, so use with caution
-ginormous_move : adds align_centers to giant_move. Useful for very far
apart datasets
Notes on the big_move and giant_move options:
"big_move" allows for a two pass alignment in 3dAllineate.
The two-pass method is less likely to find a false minimum
cost for alignment because it does a number of coarse (blurred,
rigid body) alignments first and then follows the best of these
coarse alignments to the fine alignment stage. The big_move
option should be a relatively safe option, but it adds
processing time.
The giant_move option expands the search parameters in space
from 6 degrees and 10 mm to 45 degrees and 45 mm and adds in
a center of mass adjustment. The giant_move option will usually
work well too, but it adds significant time to the processing
and allows for the possibility of a very bad alignment.Another cost
functional is available that has worked well with noisy data, "lpc+ZZ".
For difficult data, consider that alternative.
If your data starts out fairly close (probably the typical case
for EPI and anatomical data), you can use the -big_move with
little problem. All these methods when used with the default
lpc cost function require good contrast in the EPI image so that
the CSF can be roughly identifiable.
-partial_coverage: indicates that the EPI dataset covers only a part of
the brain. Alignment will try to guess which direction should
not be shifted If EPI slices are known to be a specific
orientation, use one of these other partial_xxxx options.
-keep_rm_files : keep all temporary files (default is to remove them)
-prep_only : do preprocessing steps only
-verb nn : provide verbose messages during processing (default is 0)
-anat_has_skull yes/no: Anat is assumed to have skull ([yes]/no)
-epi_strip methodname : method to mask brain in EPI data
-volreg_method methodname: method to do time series volume registration
(motion correction) of EPI data
3dvolreg is for 6 parameter (rigid-body)
3dWarpDrive is for 12 parameter (general affine)
3dAllineate - also 12 parameter with LPA cost function
Note if aligning anat to epi, the volume registered EPI
dataset is **not** saved unless you use the -save_vr
option. See the -save_xxx option section of this help for
more information.
-dset1_strip : skull stripping method for dataset1
-dset2_strip : skull stripping method for dataset2 (equivalent to epi_strip)
A template registered anatomical dataset such as a talairach-transformed
dataset may be additionally specified so that output data are
in template space. The advantage of specifying this transform here is
that all transformations are applied simultaneously, thereby minimizing
data interpolation.
-tlrc_apar ANAT+tlrc : structural dataset that has been aligned to
a master template such as a tlrc dataset. If this option
is supplied, then an epi+tlrc dataset will be created.
The @auto_tlrc script may be used to create this
"talairach anatomical parent". This option is only valid
if aligning epi to anat.
Other options:
-ex_mode modename : execute mode (echo/dry_run/quiet/[script]).
"dry_run" can be used to show the commands that
would be executed without actually running them.
"echo" shows the commands as they are executed.
"quiet" doesn't display commands at all.
"script" is like echo but doesn't show stdout, stderr
header lines and "cd" lines.
"dry_run" can be used to generate scripts which can be
further customized beyond what may be available through
the options of this program.
-Allineate_opts '-ssss -sss' : options to use with 3dAllineate. Default
options are
"-weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff "
-volreg [on]/off : do volume registration on EPI dataset before alignment
-volreg_opts '-ssss -sss' : options to use with 3dvolreg
-volreg_base basenum/type : the epi base used in time series volume
The default is to use the same base as the epi_base.
If another subbrick or base type is used, an additional
transformation will be computed between the volume
registration and the epi_base
Note if aligning anat to epi, the volume registered EPI
dataset is **not** saved unless you use the -save_vr
option. See the -save_xxx option section of this help for
more information.
-tshift [on]/off : do time shifting of EPI dataset before alignment
-tshift_opts : options to use with 3dTshift
The script will determine if slice timing correction is
necessary unless tshift is set to off.
-deoblique [on]/off : deoblique datasets before alignment
-deoblique_opts '-ssss -sss': options to use with 3dWarp deobliquing
The script will try to determine if either EPI or anat data
is oblique and do the initial transformation to align anat
to epi data using the oblique transformation matrices
in the dataset headers.
-master_epi nnn : master grid resolution for aligned epi output
-master_tlrc nnn : master grid resolution for epi+tlrc output
-master_anat nnn : master grid resolution for aligned anatomical data output
-master_dset1 nnn : equivalent to master_anat above
-master_dset2 nnn : equivalent to master_epi above
Each of the 'master' options can be set to SOURCE,BASE,
a specific master dataset, MIN_DXYZ or a specified cubic
voxel size in mm.
MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest voxel dimension as the basis
for cubic output voxel resolution within the bounding box
of the BASE dataset.
SOURCE and BASE are used as in 3dAllineate help.
The default value for master_epi and master_anat is SOURCE,
that is the output resolution and coordinates should be
the same as the input. This is appropriate for small
For cases where either dataset is oblique (and larger
rotations can occur), the default becomes MIN_DXYZ.
The default value for master_tlrc is MIN_DXYZ.
"-master_dset1" and "-master_dset2" may be used as
equivalent expressions for anat and epi output resolutions,
-check_flip : check if data may have been left/right flipped by aligning
original and flipped versions and then comparing costs
between the two. This option produces the L/R flipped
and aligned anat/dset1 dataset. A warning is printed
if the flipped data has a lower cost function value
than the original dataset when both are aligned to the
epi/dset2 dataset.
This issue of left-right confusion can be caused
by problems with DICOM files or pipelines
that include Analyze format datasets. In these cases,
the orientation information is lost, and left-right may
be reversed. Other directions can also be confused, but
A-P and I-S are usually obvious. Note this problem has
appeared on several major publicly available databases.
Even if other software packages may proceed without errors
despite inconsistent, wrong or even missing coordinate
and orientation information, this problem can be easily
identified with this option.
This option does not identify which of the two datasets
need to be flipped. It only determines there is likely
to be a problem with one or the other of the two input
datasets. Importantly, we recommend properly visualizing
the datasets in the afni GUI. Look for asymmetries in the
two aligned anat/dset1 datasets, and see how they align
with the epi/dset2 dataset. To better determine the left
and right of each dataset, we recommend relying on tags
like vitamin E or looking for surgical markers.
-flip_giant : apply giant_move options to flipped dataset alignment
even if not using that option for original dataset
-save_xxx options
Normally all intermediate datasets are deleted at the end of the script.
If aligning anat to epi, the volume registered EPI dataset, although
computed, is **not** saved unless you use the -save_vr option.
Similarly other intermediate datasets are not saved unless explicitly
requested with one of these options:
-save_Al_in : save 3dAllineate input files
-save_tsh : save tshifted epi
-save_vr : save volume registered epi
-save_skullstrip : save skull-stripped (not aligned)
-save_rep : save representative tstat epi
-save_resample : save resampled epi
-save_epi_ns : save skull-stripped epi
-save_all : save all the above datasets
Not included with -save_all (since parameters are required):
-save_orig_skullstrip PREFIX : save original skull-stripped dset
-save_script SCRIPT_NAME : save shell command script to given file
Alternative cost functions and methods:
The default method used in this script is the LPC (Localized Pearson
Correlation) function. The 'lpc' cost function is computed by the
3dAllineate program. Other cost functionals are available and are
described briefly in the help for 3dAllineate. This script allows
the user to choose any cost function available in that program with
-cost xxx
Some cost functionals have proven to be useful for some situations.
Briefly, when aligning similar datasets (anat to anat), the 'lpa' method
usually provides good alignment. Instead of using a negative correlation,
as the 'lpc' method does, the 'lpa' cost functional uses the absolute value
of the local correlation, so both positive and negative correlations drive
the alignment. Occasionally the simplest least squares cost functional
will be useful (implemented with -ls).
If either of the input datasets has very little structural detail (less
than typical EPI), the mutual information methods provide a rough
alignment that gives alignment of mostly the contour of the datasets.
These are implemented with '-cost nmi' or '-cost mi'.
The lpa cost function looks for both high positive and negative
local Pearson correlation (LPA is an acronym in our program for the
absolute value of the local Pearson correlation). The LPC method looks
for negative correlation, essentially matching the dark CSF in T1 images
with the bright CSF in EPI images. The more negative the correlation the
more likely the CSF will overlay each other and carry the rest of the
volume along with it.
-multi_cost cf1 cf2 ...
Besides cost from specified cost function or default cost function,
also compute alignment using other cost functionals. For example, using
"-cost lpa -multi_cost ls nmi" will compute an alignment for the lpa, ls
and nmi cost functionals. See 3dAllineate's HELP for a full list of
available cost functionals. Use the AFNI GUI to view differences among
cost functionals.
-check_cost cf1 cf2 ...
Verify alignment against another cost functional. If there is a large
difference, a warning is printed. This does not mean the alignment is
bad, only that it is different.
-edge : use edge method
The Edge method
Finally, the "edge" method is a new method that is implemented not as a
cost functional but as a different algorithm altogether. Based on our
visualization methods for verifying alignment (as we do in AddEdge),
it uses a local approach like the LPA/C cost functionals, but it is
independent of the cost function.
This method has turned out to be useful in a variety of circumstances. It
has proven useful for data that changes dramatically over time like
manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) and for some data that has other large
non-uniformities issues helping to compensate for those large contrasts.
The edge method prepares the image to be a local spatial variance version
of the original image. First both input datasets are automasked with the
outer voxel layers removed. The spatial variance is computed over that
mask. The optimal alignment is computed between the edge images. Strictly
speaking, the datasets are not "edges" but a kind of normalized 2D
gradient. The original datasets are then aligned using the transformation
computed by the edge image alignment. Internally within the script,
the gradient function is accomplished by the 3dLocalstat program using its
cvar option for coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation is
computed as the standard deviation within the local neighborhood divided
by the mean. The local spatial variance ends up being similar to locally
normalized images of edges within the image.
The "-edge" option is relatively insensitive to most of the cost functions
in 3dAllineate, so "lpa", "mi", "nmi" and even "ls" will usually work well.
The default is to use the lpa cost functional together with the edge
The edge image is different in a couple ways from the LPA/C correlation.
First it is a different function, essentially only a standard deviation
over a neighborhood, and then normalized by the absolute value of the
mean - effectively a spatial variance (or square root of the variance).
The second difference is that while the LPA/C cost functions also operates
on local neighborhoods, those neighborhoods are 3-dimensional and set by
a neighborhood size set in mm. The shape of the neighborhoods are
dodecahedrons (12-side figures) that cover the volume. The edge method
instead computes the neighborhoods at each voxel, and the neighborhoods
are only two-dimensional - just the voxel and its 8 neighbors in x and y,
presumed to be in the same slice rather than across slices. That's for
both speed in computation and to remove effects of interpolation or false
edges across the relatively distant slices.
Although not as rigorously tested as the LPC method, this edge method
seems to give similar results most of the time. The method does have a few
disadvantages compared to the LPC/LPA methods. First, the AddEdge
visualization in this script does not support this well (effectively,
showing edges of edges). Second, the edge method does not provide
three-dimensional edge detection directly. Many times this is an advantage,
but if the data has particularly fine slicing in the z-direction, or the
data has been resampled, this method may not work as well. Also the method
uses an automask to reduce the data so that outside edges do not drive
the alignment. The five voxel layer was only empirically found to be
useful for this, but may, in fact, be problematic for small partial volumes
or for surface coil data where much of the data may be in the area that
is masked away.
The edge method makes no assumption about contrasts between images. Only
that edges of features will overlap - the same feature we use visually to
verify alignment. This makes it appropriate for both similar and differing
modality datasets.
Both the LPA/LPC and the edge methods require internal features to be
present and mostly corresponding in both input datasets. In some cases,
this correspondence is not available for aligning some kinds of data with
an anatomical references - low-contrast EPI data, radiopharmaceutical PET
data targeting specific function, derived parameters from modeling.
In these cases, fine alignment is not possible, but alternative cost
functions like mutual information or least squares can provide a rough
alignment of the contours.
-output_dir dirname : the default output will put the result in
the current directory even if the anat and epi datasets are in other
directories. If a directory is specified here, output data including
temporary output data will be placed in that directory. If a new directory
is specified, that directory will be created first.
Other obscure and experimental options that should only be handled with
care, lest they get out, are visible with -option_help.
# align anat to sub-brick 5 of epi+orig. In addition, do slice timing
# correction on epi+orig and register all sub-bricks to sub-brick 5
# (Sample data files are in AFNI_data4/sb23 in sample class data)
# Note the intermediate file, the volume registered EPI dataset,
# is **not** saved unless the -save_vr option is also used.
# See the -save_xxx option section of this help for more information. -anat sb23_mpra+orig -epi epi_r03+orig \
-epi_base 5
# Instead of aligning the anatomy to an epi, transform the epi
# to match the anatomy. Transform other epi run datasets to be
# in alignment with the first epi datasets and with the anatomical
# reference dataset. Note that all epi sub-bricks from all runs
# are transformed only once in the process, combining volume
# registration and alignment to the anatomical dataset in a single
# transformation matrix -anat sb23_mpra+orig -epi epi_r03+orig \
-epi_base 5 -child_epi epi_r??+orig.HEAD \
-epi2anat -suffix al2anat
# Bells and whistles:
# - create Talairach transformed epi datasets (still one transform)
# - do not execute, just show the commands that would be executed.
# These commands can be saved in a script or modified.
# The Talairach transformation requires auto-Talairaching
# the anatomical dataset first (cf. @auto_tlrc script)
@auto_tlrc -base ~/abin/TT_N27+tlrc -input sb23_mpra+orig -anat sb23_mpra+orig -epi epi_r03+orig \
-epi_base 6 -child_epi epi_r??+orig.HEAD \
-ex_mode dry_run -epi2anat -suffix _altest \
-tlrc_apar sb23_mpra_at+tlrc
Our HBM 2008 abstract describing the alignment tools is available here:
If you find the EPI to Anat alignment capability useful, the paper to
cite is:
ZS Saad, DR Glen, G Chen, MS Beauchamp, R Desai and RW Cox.
A new method for improving functional-to-structural alignment using
local Pearson correlation. NeuroImage, 44:839-848, 2009.
A full list of options for
use: EPI dataset to align or to which to align
use: dataset to align or to which to align
use: Anatomical dataset to align or to which to align
use: Dataset to align or to which to align
use: Don't delete any of the temporary files created here
use: Do preprocessing steps only without alignment
use: The main help describing this program with options
use: The main help without all available options
use: Help for all available options
use: Show version number and exit
use: Show version number and exit
use: Be verbose in messages and options
use: save executed script in given file
use: align centers of datasets based on spatial
extents of the original volume
allowed: yes, no, on, off
default: no
use: Do not skullstrip anat dataset
allowed: yes, no
use: Method to remove skull for EPI data
allowed: 3dSkullStrip, 3dAutomask, None
use: Method to remove skull for dset1 data
allowed: 3dSkullStrip, 3dAutomask, None
use: Method to remove skull for dset2 data
allowed: 3dSkullStrip, 3dAutomask, None
use: Time series volume registration method
3dvolreg: rigid body least squares
3dWarpDrive: 12 parameter least squares
3dAllineate: 12 parameter LPA cost function
allowed: 3dvolreg, 3dWarpDrive, 3dAllineate
default: 3dvolreg
use: Command execution mode.
quiet: execute commands quietly
echo: echo commands executed
dry_run: only echo commands
allowed: quiet, echo, dry_run, script
default: script
use: Overwrite existing files
use: Large movement between epi and anat.
Uses twopass option for 3dAllineate.
Consider cmass options, giant_move,
ginormous_move or -align_centers
use: Even larger movement between epi and anat.
Uses twopass option for 3dAllineate.
cmass options and wide angles and shifts
use: Adds align_centers to giant_move
use: Do only rigid body alignment - shifts and rotates
use: partial_xxxx options control center of mass adjustment
use: Run @AddEdge script to create double-edge images
use: Options passed to 3dAllineate.
default: -weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff -source_automask+4
default: 90
default: _al
use: can use multiple cost functionals (lpc,lpa,nmi,....
See 3dAllineate -HELP for the full list
use: Verify alignment against another method
Can use multiple cost functionals (lpc,lpa,nmi,....
See 3dAllineate -HELP for the full list
use: align EPI dataset to anat dataset
use: align anat dataset to EPI dataset (default)
use: align dset2 dataset to dset1 dataset
use: align dset1 dataset to dset2 dataset (default)
use: Base sub-brick to use for alignment
Choose sub-brick number or statistic type
Valid choices can be, for example, 0,5,mean
use: Base sub-brick to use for alignment
Choose sub-brick number or statistic type
Valid choices can be, for example, 0,5,mean
use: Base to use for volume registration
Choose sub-brick number or statistic type
Valid choices can be, for example, 0,5,median
allowed: on, off
default: -cubic
allowed: on, off
allowed: on, off
allowed: on, off
use: turn off all pre-processing steps including
deoblique, tshift, volreg and resample
use: center of mass options for 3dAllineate
Valid options include cmass+a, cmass+xy, nocmass
use: If this is set, the results will include +tlrc
template transformed datasets for the epi aligned
to the anatomical combined with this additional
transformation to template of this parent dataset
The result will be EPI_al+tlrc.HEAD
use: Not available yet.
If this is set, the results will include +tlrc
template transformed datasets for the anatomical
aligned to the epi combined with this additional
transformation to template of this parent dataset
The result will be ANAT_al+tlrc.HEAD
use: Not available yet.
If this is set, the results will also be aligned
to a template using the @auto_tlrc script.
Transformations computed from that will be combined
with the anat to epi transformations and epi to anat
(and volreg) transformations
0nly one of the -tlrc_apar, -tlrc_epar or the
-auto_tlrc options may be used
use: Names of child EPI datasets
use: Names of children of dset2 datasets
use: Names of child anatomical datasets
use: Names of children of dset1 datasets
use: -master grid resolution for epi to anat alignment
MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension
Other options are SOURCE and BASE as in 3dAllineate
help. For cases where either dataset is oblique, the
default becomes MIN_DXYZ
use: -master grid resolution for epi to anat alignment
MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension
Other options are SOURCE and BASE as in 3dAllineate
help. For cases where either dataset is oblique, the
default becomes MIN_DXYZ
use: -master grid resolution for epi to tlrc anat
MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension
Other options are SOURCE and BASE as in 3dAllineate
use: -master grid resolution for anat to epi output
MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension
Other options are SOURCE, BASE, 'n' mm or gridset
use: -master grid resolution for dset1 to dset2 output
MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension
Other options are SOURCE, BASE, 'n' mm or gridset
use: -master grid resolution size (cubic only)
use: -master grid resolution size (cubic only)
use: -master grid resolution (cubic only)
use: -master grid resolution (cubic only)
use: -master grid resolution (cubic only)
use: Apply an initial transformation from a 1D file.
For example, this file may be one generated by
@Align_Centers. The transformation will be applied
to the anatomical data before aligning to the EPI
instead of using the built-in obliquity matrices,
if any
use: Apply an additional transformation from a 1D file.
This transformation will be applied to the anatomical
data after alignment with the EPI. This will be
applied similarly to the tlrc transformation and in
place of it.
Output datasets are kept in the 'orig' view
use: Alternate options for 3dSkullstrip.
like -rat or -blur_fwhm 2
use: Minimal size in mm of structures in images to match.
Changes options for 3dAllineate for the coarse
blurring and lpc/lpa neighborhood sizes.May be useful
for rat brains, anat to anat and other
'non-standard' alignment
use: Set options appropriate for rat data -
namely skullstrip and feature size options above.
use: Set directory for output datasets
use: Use internal edges to do alignment
use: Number of layers to remove for edge method
use: Check if L/R flipping gives better results
use: use giant_move on flipped data even if not used
on original data
use: Save datasets used as input to 3dAllineate
use: Save motion-corrected epi dataset
use: Save time-series corrected dataset
use: Save unaligned, skullstripped dataset
use: Save simply skullstripped dataset
use: Save unaligned, skullstripped EPI dataset
use: Save unaligned representative tstat EPI dataset
use: Save unaligned EPI dataset resampled to anat grid
use: Save all optional datasets
use: power for weighting 1 or 2
default: 1.0
use: convert weighting mask to 0 or 1 - Unused
allowed: yes, no
default: no
use: Unused
allowed: yes, no
default: no
use: Not available yet.
Mask to apply to data.
default: vent