

ct : short example of reading/writing CIFTI-2 datasets

    This program is to demonstrate how to read a CIFTI-2 dataset.

    basic usage: cifti_tool -input FILE [other options]


       cifti_tool -input FILE -disp_cext
       cifti_tool -input FILE -disp_cext -as_cext
       cifti_tool -input FILE -disp_cext -output cifti.txt

       cifti_tool -input FILE -eval_cext
       cifti_tool -input FILE -eval_cext -verb 2
       cifti_tool -input FILE -eval_cext -eval_type show_summary

       cifti_tool -input FILE -eval_cext -eval_type show_name
       cifti_tool -input FILE -eval_cext -eval_type has_data
       cifti_tool -input FILE -eval_cext -eval_type show_text_data

    get a list of unique element types with attached data

       cifti_tool -input FILE -eval_cext -eval_type has_data \
                  | sort | uniq


       -help               : show this help

       -input  INFILE      : specify input dataset
       -output OUTFILE     : where to write output

       -as_cext            : process the input as just an extension
       -disp_cext          : display the CIFTI extension
       -eval_cext          : evaluate the CIFTI extension
       -eval_type ETYPE    : method for evaluation of axml elements

          valid ETYPES:
             has_data       - show elements with attached text data
             has_bdata      - show elements with attached binary data
             num_tokens     - show the number of tokens in such text
             show           - like -disp_cext
             show_names     - show element names, maybe depth indented
             show_summary   - summarize contents of dataset
             show_text_data - show the actual text data

       -verb LEVEL         : set the verbose level to LEVEL
       -verb_read LEVEL    : set verbose level when reading
       -vboth LEVEL        : apply both -verb options