

  column_cat : catenate files horizontally

  Output is sent to stdout, so redirection of output to
  a file may be desirable.

  Each line of output is the concatination of each current
  line from the input files, all on the same line, and
  separated by a space.  If different separation is desired,
  such as a tab, please use the -sep option.

  ** Note that using '-' or 'stdin' for an input file means
     to read from stdin.  One such stream is allowed.

     -line LINE_NUM : print only line #LINE_NUM (1-based)
                      e.g. -line 1   (shows top line)
     -sep sep_str   : use sep_str as separation string


     column_cat -help
     column_cat file_a file_b
     column_cat file_a file_b file_c > output_file
     column_cat -line 17 file_a file_b file_c > output_file
     column_cat -sep : file_a file_b > output_file
     column_cat -sep '\t' file_a file_b > output_file
     column_cat -sep ' : ' file_a file_b > output_file
     cat file_a | column_cat -line 27 stdin

R Reynolds    Jan, 2002 (distributed Aug, 2012)