
Usage: dicom_hinfo [options] fname […]

Prints selected information from the DICOM file 'fname' to stdout.
Multiple files can be given on the command line; see the examples
below for useful ideas.


-tag aaaa,bbbb = print the specified tag.
                 -- multiple tags may follow the '-tag' option.
                 -- a tag consists of 4 hexadecimal digits,
                    followed by a comma, followed by 4 more
                    hexadecimal digits
                 -- any string that doesn't match this format
                    will end the list of tags

-namelast      = Put the filename last on each output line,
*OR* -last       instead of first.

-no_name       = Omit any filename output.

-full_entry    = Output the full entry if it is more than
                 one word or contains white space. If the entry is
                 REALLY long, this may be truncated.
* The purpose of this program is to be used in scripts to figure out
  which DICOM files to process for various purposes -- see Example #2.

* One line is output (to stdout) for each DICOM file that the program reads.
* Files that can't be read as DICOM will be ignored (silently).
* Tags that aren't found in a file will get their value printed as 'null'.

* How do you know what hexadecimal tags you need?  You can start with using
  dicom_hdr on a single file to get the full list of tags (with names) and
  then experiment to see which tags can be used to meet your whims.

* Some tags that might be useful for figuring out which DICOM files belong
  together and which ones are from separate acquisitions:
    0008,0030  =  Study Time  (might be the same for all images in one session)
    0008,0031  =  Series Time (will usually be different between imaging runs)
    0008,0032  =  Acquisition Time (might be different for EVERY file)
    0018,0050  =  Slice Thickness
    0020,0011  =  Series Number (if present, identifies different imaging runs)
    0028,0010  =  Number of Rows
    0028,0011  =  Number of Columns
    0028,0030  =  Pixel Spacing
  In the examples below, I use 0008,0031 as a way to distinguish between
  different acquisitions in the same imaging session.  For the data used
  here, the value of this tag was different for each distinct scan --
  localizers, structural, EPI -- so it worked as good way to find the
  break points between set of files that should go together.  However,
  I have seen DICOM files that lacked this tag, so you might have to
  experiment (using dicom_hdr) to find a good tag for this purpose.


#1: The command below prints out the acquisition start time and the number
    of rows for each valid DICOM file in the directories below the current one:

      dicom_hinfo -tag 0008,0031 0028,0010 */*.dcm

    One sample output line would be

TASK-A/image-00102-004243.dcm 141255.882508 256

#2: A more complicated example searches all the directories below the current one,
    then prints out a list of summaries of what look like unique acquisitions.
    This could be used to figure out what kind of data you have when someone gives
    you a bunch of DICOM files with no obvious structure to their filenames.

      find . -type f | xargs dicom_hinfo -tag 0008,0031 0028,0010 | uniq -f 1 -c

    The output from the above example was

   9 ./A/A/A/Z01 154116 256
   9 ./A/A/A/Z10 154210 256
  38 ./A/A/A/Z19 154245 64
 126 ./A/A/C/Z05 154326 256
6000 ./A/A/H/Z01 154854 64
2400 ./A/J/D/Z21 155617 64
 126 ./A/M/S/Z03 160228 256
  40 ./A/M/W/Z25 160304 64
  40 ./A/M/Y/Z13 160332 64
 126 ./A/N/A/Z01 160404 256
 126 ./A/N/E/Z23 160411 256
 126 ./A/N/J/Z19 160417 256
   1 ./A/N/O/Z15 161252 960
   1 ./A/N/O/Z16 161403 640
   9 ./A/N/O/Z17 150935 256
   9 ./A/N/P/Z00 151039 256
  37 ./A/N/P/Z10 151122 64
 120 ./A/N/Q/Z21 151203 256
6000 ./A/N/V/Z11 151624 64
2400 ./A/W/S/Z05 153010 64

    My goal was the find the structural and FMRI collections of images mixed
    in with various localizers and other 'junk'.  Based on the above, it seems:
      * the 126 files starting with ./A/A/C/Z05 are a structural set
      * the 6000 files starting with ./A/A/H/Z01 are an FMRI set
      * the 2400 files starting with ./A/J/D/Z21 are an FMRI set
      * the 126 files starting with ./A/M/S/Z03 are a structural set
    and so on.  This information makes it possible to extract the desired files
    from the giant collection of un-informative filenames, create AFNI datasets
    (using program Dimon and its '-infile_list' option appropriately), and then
    look at them to make final decisions about what to keep.

#3: Continuing the above example with actual creation of AFNI dataset
    from the collection of files, a script (in csh syntax):

      \rm -f qq*.out

      find . -type f \
        | xargs dicom_hinfo -tag 0008,0031 0028,0010 0028,0011 \
        | awk '$3 == $4' >> qqa.out

      uniq -f 1 -c qqa.out | awk '$1 > 99' > qqb.out

      foreach ddd ( `cat qqb.out | awk '{print $3}'` )
        echo 'Organizing files with time stamp $ddd'
        grep $ddd qqa.out | awk '{print $1}' > qqc_${ddd}.out
        Dimon -infile_list qqc_${ddd}.out -dicom_org -GERT_Reco \
              -gert_create_dataset -gert_to3d_prefix ACQT_${ddd} -quit

    As before, the find command gets all the DICOM files under the current
    In this case, the awk command also filters out images that are not square.
    The output of 'find' is piped into xargs to prevent creating a gigantic
    command line, since there are over 17,000 files in this directory tree.

    The uniq command finds files with unique time stamps, and the
    awk command filters out those lines that don't have more than 99
    such files.

    The foreach loop over variable ddd (the time stamp) creates a file list
    that matches the given value, then runs Dimon to create an AFNI dataset.
      [Not all of these datasets are actually useful, but it is easy to]
      [delete the ones that are not relevant to the research underway. ]

    Note the use of the '-dicom_org' option to Dimon to have it organize
    the files to be in the correct order -- otherwise, it would take the
    files in their filename alphabetical order, which is not always right.
    This ordering is done using various DICOM fields, including
      0054,1330  =  Image Index
      0020,0013  =  Instance Number

    This example solved a real problem with image files dumped from a PACS.
    You might have to change things around to solve your problem, but I
    hope that this sample script will give you an idea of how to start.

--- RWCox - 15 Nov 2011 ---