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++ Oct, 2014. Written by PA Taylor (UCT/AIMS).
++ Perform simple matrix plotting operations (e.g., correlation or
structural property matrices) from outputs of FATCAT programs
3dNetCorr and 3dTrackID.
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INPUT: a matrix file and a selection of one or more parameter names.
OUTPUT: 1) one or more individual images of matrix plots
+ can have colorbar
+ can edit various color/font/size/filetype features
+ probably a matrix will flash on the screen and pass, even
if it's saved to a file (but you can preserve it, waiting for
a button to be pushed, if you wish);
2) individual matrix grid or 1D.dset file, which might be useful
for viewing specific properties or for importing to other
programs for further analysis.
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fat_mat_sel.py --Pars='T S R ...' \
{ --matr_in=MATR_FILES | --list_match=LIST } \
{ --out_ind_matr | --out_ind_1ddset } --ExternLabsNo \
--Hold_image --type_file=TYPE --dpi_file=DPI \
--xlen_file=LX --ylen_file=LY --Tight_layout_on --Fig_off \
--Size_font=S --Lab_size_font=S2 --Cbar_off \
--A_plotmin=MIN --B_plotmax=MAX --width_cbar_perc=W \
--Map_of_colors=MAP --cbar_int_num=N --specifier=STR \
-P, --Pars='T S R ...' :supply names of parameters, separated by
whitespace, for selecting from a matrix file
-m, --matr_in=MATR_FILES :one way of providing the set of matrix
(*.grid or *.netcc) files- by searchable
path. This can be a globbable entry in
quotes containing wildcard characters,
such as 'DIR1/*/*000.grid'.
If this option is used instead of '-l',
below, then this program tries to match
each CSV subj ID to a matrix file by
finding which matrix file path in the
MATR_FILES contains a given ID string;
this method may not always find unique
matches, in which case, use '-l'
-l, --list_match=LIST :another way of inputting the matrix
(*.grid or *.netcc) files-- by explicit
path, matched per file with a CSV
subject ID.
The LIST text file contains two columns:
col 1: path to subject matrix file.
col 2: CSV IDs,
(first line can be a '#'-commented one.
-o, --out_ind_matr :output individual matrix files of properties,
which might be useful for viewing or entering
into other programs for analysis. The new file
will have the same prefix as the old, with the
name of the parameter appended at the end of the
handle, such as, e.g.: PREFIX_000.grid ->
PREFIX_000_FA.grid or PREFIX_000_CC.netcc.
-O, --Out_ind_1ddset :output as a 1D dset, more easily readable by
other AFNI (or just plain 'other' programs);
element labels are commented, and filenames
are similar to those of '--out_ind_matr', but
endings with '1D.dset', such as
-H, --Hold_image :switch to hold the Python-produced image on the
output screen until a key has been hit; it puts
a 'raw_input()' line in, if you are curious
(default: not to do so -> meaning the image
flashes briefly when running from a commandline,
and not from, for example, ipython). Even without
this switch used, the image can be saved.
-E, --ExternLabsNo :switch to turn off the writing/usage of
user-defined labels in the *.grid/*.netcc
files. Can't see why this would be desired,
to be honest.
-t, --type_file=TYPE :Can select from a full range of image formats:
jpg (default), pdf, png, tif, etc. (whatever
your computer will allow).
-d, --dpi_file=DPI :set resolution (dots per inch) of output image
(default = 80).
-x, --xlen_file=LX :horizontal dimension of output saved image, in
units of inches (default = 3.5).
-y, --ylen_file=LY :vertical dimension of output saved image, in
units of inches (default = 3.5 if no colorbar
is used, and 2.8 if colorbar is used).
-T, --Tight_layout_on :use matplotlib's tight_layout() option, to ensure
no overlap of features (hopefully) in the image.
-F, --Fig_off :switch if you *don't* want a matrix figure output
(default is to save one).
-S, --Size_font=S1 :set font size for colorbar and title
(default = 10).
-L, --Lab_size_font=S2 :set font size for x- and y-axis labels
(default = 10).
-A, --A_plotmin=MIN :minimum colorbar value (default is the minimum
value found in the matrix).
-B, --B_plotmax=MAX :maximum colorbar value (default is the maximum
value found in the matrix).
-C, --Cbar_off :switch to not include a colorbar at the right
side of the plot (default is to have one).
-M, --Map_of_colors=MAP :change the colormap style used in the plot; a
full list of options for Python-matplotlib is
currently available here:
(default: 'jet')
-c, --cbar_int_num=N :set the number of intervals on the colorbar; the
number of numbers shown will be N+1 (default:
N = 4).
-w, --width_cbar_perc=W :width of colorbar as percentage (0, 100) of width
of correlation matrix (default = 5).
-s, --specifier=STR :format the numbers in the colorbar; these can be
used to specify numbers of decimal places on
floats (e.g., '%.4f' has four) or to use
scientific notation ('%e') (default: trying to
guess int or float, the latter using three
decimal places.)
-X, --Xtick_lab_off :switch to turn off labels along x- (horizontal)
axis but to leave those along y- (vertical) axis.
Can be used in conjunction with other label-
editing/specifying options (default: show labels
along both axes).
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$ fat_mat_sel.py -m 'o.NETS_AND_000.grid' -P 'FA' -A 1 -T -H -o
or, equivalently:
$ fat_mat_sel.py --matr_in 'o.NETS_AND_000.grid' --Pars 'FA' \
-A_plotmin 1 --Tight_layout_on --Hold_image --out_ind_matr