Some basic processing of T1w anatomical images, particularly for
preparation in using as a reference structural in TORTOISE -> makes
an imitation T2w-contrast image, in terms of relative tissue
contrast. Make sure to verify all results visually!
This does: unifizing of brightness, anisosmoothing, some skull
stripping, and also generates an imitation T2w-contrast image
through **very** simple means. The output T2w volume is *not* for
quantitative use, but for registrative purposes.
Some automatic QC images are generated now, as well. Montages of
axial, sagittal and coronal views of the final T2w volume are saved
by default in the same location as the output volumes.
*NB: if you use a volume made this way as a reference in TORTOISE,
then at least for ~adult-human-like (imitation) t2w volumes, at
present it seems like you should use the following option when:
running DR_BUDDI: --enforce_deformation_antisymmetry 1.
This seems to improve registration.
Ver. 2.2 (PA Taylor, Mar 1, 2018)
For use, example images, and citation, see (esp. Appendix A):
Taylor PA, Alhamud A, van der Kouwe AJ, Saleh MG, Laughton B,
Meintjes EM. Assessing the performance of different DTI motion
correction strategies in the presence of EPI distortion
correction. Hum Brain Mapp (in press).
This script has one required argument ('-inset ...'), and the rest are
fat_proc_imit2w_from_t1w \
-inset T1_FILE \
-prefix PPP \
{-workdir WWW} \
{-mask MASK} \
{-ss_blur_fwhm BBB} \
{-no_clean} \
{-no_qc_view} \
{-qc_prefix QCP}
-inset T1_FILE :is the full name of the input T1w volume;
-prefix PPP :output prefix for files and snapshots (required).
-mask MASK :an optional input of a pre-skullstripped T1_FILE
(this can be either a mask or a skullstripped volume).
This can be useful if the default skullstripping
options in this script ain't getting the job done
and other ones have to be done (skullstripping is
probably the slowest part of this set of steps).
-ss_blur_fwhm BBB :optional, can add in blurring during the 3dSkullStrip
part of this program, in units of mm (default FWHM: 2).
-workdir WWW :specify a working directory, which can be removed;
(default name = '__WORKING_imit2w_from_t1w')
-no_qc_view :turn off the automatic creation of QC montages (which
are produced by default).
-qc_prefix QCP :change the prefix of the QC images (default: use the
prefix of the volumes).
-no_clean :is an optional switch to NOT remove working directory
'__WORKING_imit2w_from_t1w'; (default: remove working dir).
PREFIX.nii.gz :a volume with T2w-like tissue contrast made
from a T1w one; the outside of the brain
has scaled skull and noise, for having a
non-zero SNR estimation.
PREFIX_orig.nii.gz :a somewhat cleaned/processed version of the
input T1w volume; it also has a scaled skull
and noise outside the brain.
PREFIX_orig_ss.nii.gz :a skull-stripped version of PREFIX_t1w.nii.gz.
:QC images of the skull-stripped T1w volume
and of the final imitation-T2w volume.
fat_proc_imit2w_from_t1w \
-inset T1.nii.gz \
-prefix imit2w
fat_proc_imit2w_from_t1w \
-inset T1.nii.gz \
-mask mask_WB.nii.gz \
-prefix imit2w