=============================================================================    - generate group commands: 3dttest++, 3dMEMA,
                          3dANOVA2, 3dANOVA3
                        - generate generic commands
                        - todo (maybe): 3dttest, GroupAna

   This program is to assist in writing group commands.  The hardest part (or
   most tedious) is generally listing datasets and such, particularly including
   sub-brick selection, and that is the main benefit of using this program.

   If used without sufficient options (which might be typical), the generated
   commands will not be complete (e.g. they might fail).  So either provide
   sufficient passed options via -options or plan to edit the resulting script.

   If -write_script is not given, the command is written to stdout.

   ** NOTE: this program expects one dataset per subject.  Single condition
            volumes are accessed using sub-brick selectors via -subs_betas
            and possbily -subs_tstats.

   This program can parse subject IDs from dataset names when the IDs are the
   varying part of dataset names (e.g. stats_subj1234+tlrc.HEAD), as in:

   -command 3dttest++        \
                -dsets stats*+tlrc.HEAD

   or when the subject IDs are the varying part of the directory names (while
   the actual file names are identical), as in:

   -command 3dttest++        \
                -dsets subject_results/*/*.results/stats+tlrc.HEAD

   Generic commands do not need to be part of AFNI.  Perhaps one just wants
   an orderly and indented list of file names to be part of a bigger script.
   consider: -command ls -dsets group_results/OL*D

   or perhaps using 3dTcat to collect a sub-brick from each subject: -command 3dTcat -subs_betas 'Arel#0_Coef' \
                             -dsets group_results/OL*D

examples (by program)

   A. 3dttest++ (not 3dttest)

      Note: these commands apply to the sample group data under

    * Note: The 3dttest++ program defaults to setA minus setB, which is the
            opposite of 3dttest and 3dMEMA (though it might be more natural).
            The direction of the test can be further specified using either
            -AminusB or -BminusA, which is always included in the resulting
            command if there are 2 sets of data.

            This program will always supply one of -AminusB or -BminusA, to be
            clear.  If the user does not provide one, -AminusB will be used.

            Note also that 3dttest uses sub-brick labels which should make
            this clear.

      1. The most simple case, providing just the datasets.  The subject IDs
         will be extracted from the dataset names.  Since no sub-bricks are
         provided, the betas will default to sub-brick 0 and the test will be
         the mean compared with 0.

   -command 3dttest++        \
                                 -dsets REML*.HEAD

      2. Specify the sub-bricks and set labels to compare Vrel vs. Arel.
         Write the command to the file

   -command 3dttest++        \
                                 -write_script  \
                                 -prefix tt++.2_V-A        \
                                 -dsets REML*.HEAD         \
                                 -set_labels Vrel Arel     \
                                 -subs_betas 'Vrel#0_Coef' 'Arel#0_Coef'

      3. Request a paired t-test and apply a mask.

   -command 3dttest++                         \
                                 -write_script                   \
                                 -prefix tt++.3_V-A_paired                  \
                                 -dsets REML*.HEAD                          \
                                 -set_labels Vrel Arel                      \
                                 -subs_betas  'Vrel#0_Coef' 'Arel#0_Coef'   \
                                 -options                                   \
                                    -paired -mask mask+tlrc

      4. Exclude voxels that are identically zero across more than 20% of the
         input datasets (presumably masked at the single subject level).
         Convert output directly to z, since the DOF will vary across space.

   -command 3dttest++                         \
                                 -write_script                   \
                                 -prefix tt++.4_V-A_zskip                   \
                                 -dsets REML*.HEAD                          \
                                 -set_labels Vrel Arel                      \
                                 -subs_betas  'Vrel#0_Coef' 'Arel#0_Coef'   \
                                 -options                                   \
                                    -zskip 0.8 -toz

      5. Use covariates to account for a sex difference.  We might encode
         females as 0 and males as 1 to get an intercept (main effect) that
         applies to females (if we do not do any centering).  However, we
         want a main effect for the average between males and females, and
         therefore have used -1 for males and +1 for females.  Add NONE
         for centering so that 3dttest++ does not do any.

         Females have subject indices: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5.
         Males   have subject indices: 4 and 6 through 9 (the last).

   -command 3dttest++             \
                                 -write_script       \
                                 -prefix tt++.5_covary          \
                                 -dsets data/OLSQ*.HEAD         \
                                 -subs_betas 'Vrel#0_Coef'      \
                                 -options                       \
                                    -covariates sex_encode.txt  \
                                    -center NONE

      6. Use -dset_index0_list to compare female subjects to males.
         Both subject types are in the same directory (10 subjects total).
         So the -dsets options will both specify the same list, which will
         then be paired down via -dset_index0_list to indicate only females
         and only males.

         Females have subject indices: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5.
         Males   have subject indices: 4 and 6 through 9 (the last).

   -command 3dttest++             \
                                 -write_script       \
                                 -prefix tt++.6_F-M             \
                                 -dsets data/OLSQ*.HEAD         \
                                 -dset_index0_list '0..3,5'     \
                                 -dsets data/OLSQ*.HEAD         \
                                 -dset_index0_list '4,6..$'     \
                                 -set_labels female male        \
                                 -subs_betas 'Vrel#0_Coef'

   See "3dttest++ -help" for details on its options.


   B. 3dMEMA

      Note: these commands apply to the sample group data under

      Note: As with 3dttest, group comparisons are done as the second set minus
            the first set.

      1. The most simple case, providing just the datasets.  The subject IDs
         will be extracted from the dataset names.  Since no sub-bricks are
         provided, the betas will be 0 and t-stats will be 1.

   -command 3dMEMA           \
                                 -dsets REML*.HEAD

      2. This does not quite apply to AFNI_data6.  Assuming there are 2 group
         directories, write a 2-sample command.

   -command 3dMEMA           \
                                 -write_script cmd.mema.2  \
                                 -dsets groupA/REML*.HEAD  \
                                 -dsets groupB/REML*.HEAD

      3. Run 3dMEMA, but restrict the subjects to partial lists from within
         an entire list.  This applies -dset_index0_list (or the sister

            # assume these 9 subjects represent all under the 'data' dir
            set subjects = ( AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH II )

         a. Do a simple test on subjects AA, HH, II and FF.  Indices are:
               0-based: 0, 7, 8, 5 (AA=0, ..., II=8)
               1-based: 1, 8, 9, 6 (AA=1, ..., II=9)

   -command 3dMEMA              \
                                 -write_script cmd.mema.3a    \
                                 -dsets data/REML*.HEAD       \
                                 -dset_index0_list '0,7,8,5'

         b. Do a test on sub-lists of subjects.

   -command 3dMEMA                            \
                                 -write_script cmd.mema.3b                  \
                                 -dsets data/REML*.HEAD                     \
                                 -dset_index0_list '0,7,8,5'                \
                                 -dsets data/REML*.HEAD                     \
                                 -dset_index0_list '3,4,6,9'                \
                                 -subs_betas  'Arel#0_Coef'                 \
                                 -subs_tstats 'Arel#0_Tstat'

         See "3dMEMA -help" for details on the extra options.


   C. 3dANOVA2

      Note: these commands apply to the sample group data under

      Note: it seems better to create the script without any contrasts, and
            add them afterwards (so the user can format well).  However, if
            no contrasts are given, the program will add 1 trivial one.

      1. The most simple case, providing just the datasets and a list of

   -command 3dANOVA2         \
                                 -dsets OLSQ*.HEAD         \
                                 -subs_betas 0 1

      2. Get more useful:
            - apply with a directory
            - specify a script name
            - specify a dataset prefix for the 3dANOVA2 command
            - use labels for sub-brick indices
            - specify a simple contrast

   -command 3dANOVA2                           \
                                 -write_script cmd.A2.2                      \
                                 -prefix outset.A2.2                         \
                                 -dsets AFNI_data6/group_results/REML*.HEAD  \
                                 -subs_betas 'Vrel#0_Coef' 'Arel#0_Coef'     \
                                 -options                                    \
                                    -adiff 1 2 VvsA


   D. 3dANOVA3

      Note: these commands apply to the sample group data under

      Note: it seems better to create the script without any contrasts, and
            add them afterwards (so the user can format well).  However, if
            no contrasts are given, the program will add 2 trivial ones,
            just for a starting point.

      Note: this applies either -type 4 or -type 5 from 3dANOVA3.
            See "3dANOVA3 -help" for details on the types.

            The user does not specify type 4 or 5.

            type 4: there should be one -dsets option and a -factors option
            type 5: there should be two -dsets options and no -factor

      1. 3dANOVA3 -type 4

         This is a simple example of a 2-way factorial ANOVA (color by image
         type), across many subjects.  The colors are pink and blue, while the
         images are of houses, faces and donuts.  So there are 6 stimulus types
         in this 2 x 3 design:

                pink house      pink face       pink donut
                blue house      blue face       blue donut

         Since those were the labels given to 3dDeconvolve, the beta weights
         will have #0_Coef appended, as in pink_house#0_Coef.  Note that in a
         script, the '#' character will need to be quoted.

         There is only one set of -dsets given, as there are no groups.

   -command 3dANOVA3                          \
               -dsets OLSQ*.HEAD                                            \
               -subs_betas                                                  \
                 "pink_house#0_Coef" "pink_face#0_Coef" "pink_donut#0_Coef" \
                 "blue_house#0_Coef" "blue_face#0_Coef" "blue_donut#0_Coef" \
               -factors 2 3

      2. 3dANOVA3 -type 4

         Get more useful:
            - apply with an input data directory
            - specify a script name
            - specify a dataset prefix for the 3dANOVA3 command
            - specify simple contrasts

   -command 3dANOVA3                          \
               -write_script cmd.A3.2                                       \
               -prefix outset.A3.2                                          \
               -dsets AFNI_data6/group_results/OLSQ*.HEAD                   \
               -subs_betas                                                  \
                 "pink_house#0_Coef" "pink_face#0_Coef" "pink_donut#0_Coef" \
                 "blue_house#0_Coef" "blue_face#0_Coef" "blue_donut#0_Coef" \
               -factors 2 3                                                 \
               -options                                                     \
                 -adiff 1 2 pink_vs_blue                                    \
                 -bcontr -0.5 -0.5 1.0 donut_vs_house_face

      3. 3dANOVA3 -type 5

         Here is a simple case, providing just 2 groups of datasets and a list
         of sub-bricks.

   -command 3dANOVA3         \
                                 -dsets OLSQ*.HEAD         \
                                 -dsets REML*.HEAD         \
                                 -subs_betas 0 1

      4. 3dANOVA3 -type 5

         Get more useful:
            - apply with an input data directory
            - specify a script name
            - specify a dataset prefix for the 3dANOVA3 command
            - use labels for sub-brick indices
            - specify simple contrasts

   -command 3dANOVA3                           \
                                 -write_script cmd.A3.4                      \
                                 -prefix outset.A3.2                         \
                                 -dsets AFNI_data6/group_results/OLSQ*.HEAD  \
                                 -dsets AFNI_data6/group_results/REML*.HEAD  \
                                 -subs_betas 'Vrel#0_Coef' 'Arel#0_Coef'     \
                                 -options                                    \
                                    -adiff 1 2 OvsR                          \
                                    -bdiff 1 2 VvsA


   E. generic/other programs

      These commands apply to basically any program, as specified.  Options
      may be provided, along with 1 or 2 sets of data.  If provided, the
      -subs_betas selectors will be applied.

      This might be useful for simply making part of a longer script, where
      the dataset names are explicit.

      1. perhaps a fairly useless example with 'ls', just for demonstration -command ls -dsets group_results/OL*D

      2. using 3dTcat to collect a sub-brick from each subject -command 3dTcat -subs_betas 'Arel#0_Coef' \
                             -dsets group_results/OL*D

      3. including 2 sets of subjects, with a different sub-brick per set -command 3dTcat -subs_betas 0 1 \
                             -dsets group_results/OLSQ*D     \
                             -dsets group_results/REML*D

      4. 2 sets of subjects (in different directories, and with different
         sub-brick selectors), along with:

            - a script name (to write the script to a text file)
            - a -prefix
            - options for the command (just 1 in this case)
            - common sub-brick selectors for dataset lists -command 3dMean                    \
                             -write_script cmd.3dmean.txt       \
                             -prefix aud_vid_stdev              \
                             -options -stdev                    \
                             -subs_betas 'Arel#0_Coef'          \
                             -dsets group_results/OLSQ*D        \
                             -dsets group_results/REML*D

terminal options:

   -help                     : show this help
   -hist                     : show module history
   -show_valid_opts          : list valid options
   -ver                      : show current version

required parameters:

   -command COMMAND_NAME     : resulting command, such as 3dttest++

        The current list of group commands is: 3dttest++, 3dMEMA, 3dANOVA2,

           3dANOVA2:    applied as -type 3 only (factor x subjects)
           3dANOVA3:    -type 4: condition x condition x subject
                                 (see -factors option)
                        -type 5: group x condition x subject

   -dsets   datasets ...     : list of datasets

        Each use of this option essentially describes one group of subjects.
        All volumes for a given subject should be in a single dataset.

        This option can be used multiple times, once per group.

other options:

   -dset_index0_list values...  : restrict -dsets datasets to this 0-based list
   -dset_index1_list values...  : restrict -dsets datasets to this 1-based list

        In some cases it is easy to use a wildcard to specify datasets via
        -dsets, but there may be a grouping of subjects within that list.
        For example, if both males and females are in the list of datasets
        provided by -dsets, and if one wants a comparison between those 2
        groups, then a pair of -dset_index0_list could be specified (1 for
        each -dset) option to list which are the females and males.

        Consider this example:

             -dsets all/stats.*.HEAD            \
             -dset_index0_list '0..5,10..15'    \
             -dsets all/stats.*.HEAD            \
             -dset_index0_list '6..9,16..$'     \

        Note that -dsets is used twice, with IDENTICAL lists of datasets.
        The respective -dset_index0_list options then restrict those lists to
        0-based index lists, one for females, the other for males.

      * One must be careful to get the indices correct, so check the output
        command script to be sure the correct subjects are in each group.

        The difference between -dset_index0_list and -dset_index1_list is just
        that the former is a 0-based list (such as is used by AFNI programs),
        while the latter is 1-based (such as is used by tcsh).  A 0-based list
        begins counting at 0 (as in offsets), while a list 1-based starts at 1.
        Since use of either makes sense, both are provided.

        For example, these options are equivalent:

                -dset_index0_list 0,5..8
                -dset_index1_list 1,6..9

        The format for these index lists is the same as for AFNI sub-brick

   -factors NF1 NF2 ...         : list of factor levels, per condition

           example: -factors 2 3

        This option is currently only for '3dANOVA3 -type 4', which is a
        condition x condition x subject test.  It is meant to parse the
        -subs_betas option, which lists all sub-bricks input to the ANOVA.

        Assuming condition A has nA levels, and B has nB (2 and 3 in the
        above example), then this option (applied '-factors nA nB', and
        -subs_betas) would take nA * nB parameters (for the cross product of
        factor A and factor B levels).
        The betas should be specified in A major order, as in:

           -subs_betas A1B1_name A1B2_name ... A1BnB A2B1 A2B2 ... AnABnB_name

        or as in the 2 x 3 case:

           -subs_betas A1B1 A1B2 A1B3 A2B1 A2B2 A2B3   -factors 2 3

        e.g. for pink/blue x house/face/donut, output be 3dDeconvolve
             (i.e. each betas probably has #0_Coef attached)

           -subs_betas                                                   \
              "pink_house#0_Coef" "pink_face#0_Coef" "pink_donut#0_Coef" \
              "blue_house#0_Coef" "blue_face#0_Coef" "blue_donut#0_Coef" \
           -factors 2 3                                                  \

        Again, these factor combination names should be either sub-brick labels
        or indices (labels are suggested, to avoid confusion).

        See the example with '3dANOVA3 -type 4' as part of example D, above.
        See also -subs_betas.

   -keep_dirent_pre             : keep directory entry prefix

        Akin to -subj_prefix, this flag expands the subject prefix list to
        include everything up to the beginning of the directory names (at
        the level that varies across input datasets).

        Example 1:
              subj.FP/betas+tlrc   subj.FR/betas+tlrc   subj.FT/betas+tlrc
              subj.FV/betas+tlrc   subj.FW/betas+tlrc   subj.FX/betas+tlrc
              subj.FY/betas+tlrc   subj.FZ/betas+tlrc

           The default subject IDs would be:
              P R T V W X Y Z

           When using -keep_dirent_pre, subject IDs would be:
              subj.FP subj.FR subj.FT subj.FV subj.FW subj.FX subj.FY subj.FZ

           Note that these IDs come at the directory level, since the dataset
           names do not vary.

        Example 2:
              subj.FP/OLSQ.FP.betas+tlrc   subj.FR/OLSQ.FR.betas+tlrc
              subj.FT/OLSQ.FT.betas+tlrc   subj.FV/OLSQ.FV.betas+tlrc
              subj.FW/OLSQ.FW.betas+tlrc   subj.FX/OLSQ.FX.betas+tlrc
              subj.FY/OLSQ.FY.betas+tlrc   subj.FZ/OLSQ.FZ.betas+tlrc

           The default subject IDs would be:
              P R T V W X Y Z

           When using -keep_dirent_pre, subject IDs would be:

           Note that these IDs come at the dataset level, since the dataset
           names vary.

   -options OPT1 OPT2 ...       : list of options to pass along to result

        The given options will be passed directly to the resulting command.  If
        the -command is 3dMEMA, say, these should be 3dMEMA options.  This
        program will not evaluate or inspect the options, but will put them at
        the end of the command.

   -prefix PREFIX               : apply as COMMAND -prefix
   -set_labels LAB1 LAB2 ...    : labels corresponding to -dsets entries
   -subj_prefix PREFIX          : prefix for subject names (3dMEMA)
   -subj_suffix SUFFIX          : suffix for subject names (3dMEMA)
   -subs_betas B0 B1            : sub-bricks for beta weights (or similar)

        If this option is not given, sub-brick 0 will be used.  The entries
        can be either numbers or labels (which should match what is seen in
        the afni GUI, for example).

        If there are 2 -set_labels, there should be 2 betas (or no option).

   -subs_tstats T0 T1           : sub-bricks for t-stats (3dMEMA)

        If this option is not given, sub-brick 1 will be used.  The entries can
        be either numbers or labels (which should match what is seen in the
        afni GUI, for example).

        This option applies only to 3dMEMA currently, and in that case, its use
        should match that of -subs_betas.

        See also -subs_betas.

   -type TEST_TYPE              : specify the type of test to perform

        The test type may depend on the given command, but generally implies
        there are multiple sets of values to compare.  Currently valid tests
        are (for the given program):

          3dMEMA: paired, unpaired

        If this option is not applied, a useful default will be chosen.

   -verb LEVEL                  : set the verbosity level

   -write_script FILE_NAME      : write command script to FILE_NAME

        If this option is given, the command will be written to the specified
        file name.  Otherwise, it will be written to the terminal window.

R Reynolds    October 2010