MCW SFIM: Stepwise Functional IMages, by RW Cox
Usage: sfim [options] image_files ...
+ image_files are in the same format AFNI accepts
+ options are from the following:
-sfint iname: 'iname' is the name of a file which has
the interval definitions; an example is
3*# 5*rest 4*A 5*rest 4*B 5*rest 4*A 5*rest
which says:
- ignore the 1st 3 images
- take the next 5 as being in task state 'rest'
- take the next 4 as being in task state 'A'
and so on;
task names that start with a nonalphabetic character
are like the '#' above and mean 'ignore'.
*** the default 'iname' is 'sfint'
-base bname: 'bname' is the task state name to use as the
baseline; other task states will have the mean
baseline state subtracted; if there are no task
states from 'iname' that match 'bname', this
subtraction will not occur.
*** the default 'bname' is 'rest'
-localbase: if this option is present, then each non-base
task state interval has the mean of the two
nearest base intervals subtracted instead of the
grand mean of all the base task intervals.
-prefix pname: 'pname' is the prefix for output image filenames for
all states: the i'th interval with task state name
'fred' will be writen to file 'pname.fred.i'.
*** the default 'pname' is 'sfim'
Output files are the base-mean-removed averages for each non-base
task interval, and simply the mean for each base task interval.
Output images are in the 'flim' (floating pt. image) format, and