Usage: unWarpEPI.py -f run1+orig'[0..5]' -r blip_down+orig -d 'run1,run2' -a anat+orig -s unwarp_folder
Routine to unwarp EPI data set using another data set with opposite polarity
or B0 field map
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FORWARD, --forward=FORWARD
calibration matching data to be corrected
-r REVERSE, --reverse=REVERSE
calibration with opposing polarity to data to be
-a ANAT4WARP, --anat4warp=ANAT4WARP
reference anatomical data set
-d DATA, --data=DATA data to be corrected (same polarity as forward
calibration data). Separate with commas if specifying
multiple datasets. Do NOT put +orig at the end of
these dataset names, or the script will fail!
ID of subject to be corrected
-g, --giant_move Set giant_move option for align_epi_anat if final
align of anatomy to corrected EPI fails if datasets
are far apart in space.
For questions, suggestions, information, please contact Vinai Roopchansingh,