Suggested Choices for Basis Functions

Here are some recommended basis functions to apply to 3dDeconvolve using
'-stim_times' under various circumstances.   Feel free to use other basis
functions, but preferably when you are pretty sure of what you are doing.

Note that when the option '-basis_normall MAX' is applied, all subsequent
basis functions will have a maximum height of MAX.  Otherwise, the default
height is 1, except for the BLOCK() function.  In these common examples,
there is no need to use '-basis_normall' at all.

deconvolution (variable-shape regression): TENT(b,c,n)

TENT(b,c,n) b : The start time (after stimulus), usually 0. c : The end time, should be the maximum expected response duration (perhaps 'rounded' to the next highest TR time). n : The number of TENT functions to apply. Note that since the first and last TENTs are half-TENTs, n TENTs covers n-1 intervals, where each interval is shared by 2 TENTs (crossing in an X-pattern). One TENT will last for 2 intervals (rise for 1, fall for 1). Note that 'n' can be anything greater than 1. Often users wish to have the TENTs TR-locked, meaning each TENT is centered at a TR time. That way the TENTs can be viewed as a TR-locked hemodynamic response time series (having n values, and lasting n-1 TRs). For instance, if the TR is 3 seconds, and the expected HRF is 15 seconds, one might use TENT(0,15,6). Note tsat 15/(6-1) is 3.

regression (fixed-shape regression): GAM, BLOCK(d,p) or BLOCK(d)

GAM If the stimuli are brief (0-2 seconds, say), and are of the same length (or have the same average length, across stimulus classes), then GAM might make sense. The GAM curve lasts about 12 seconds. In this case, the beta weights represent the peak height of the resulting GAM curves found in the data. BLOCK(d,p) d : The duration of a single stimulus event (maybe 1-30 seconds). p : The peak amplitude of the curve, usually 1. BLOCK() is created by convolving an incomplete gamma function (very similar to a GAM function) with a boxcar function (equal to 1 over the stimulus duration, and 0 elsewhere), where each has a height of 1. It will convolve to a maximum height of about 5.114, once the block length reaches about 15 seconds. Above 15 seconds, the curve will plateau at 5.114 before returning to 0. The BLOCK curve lasts about 15.8 seconds longer than the stimulus duration. So if each stimulus lasts 20 seconds, then the basis function for a single such stimulus would last (be non-zero) for 35.8 seconds. If the stimuli are longer (than 1 or 2 seconds, say), and the stimuli of each stimulus class last the same duration, then the 2-parameter BLOCK() function might be used, usually with p=1, where p is the height of the curve. Note that the stimulus timing file would have only 1 stimulus per BLOCK. If each stimulus lasts 20 seconds, then the basis function for a single such stimulus would last for about 35.8 seconds, namely BLOCK(20,1). In this case, each beta weight represents the peak height of the corresponding BLOCK curve for that class (assuming p=1), i.e. the beta weight is the magnitude of the response to the entire stimulus block. BLOCK(d) d : The duration of a single stimulus event (maybe 1-30 seconds). It is recommended not to use '-basis_normall 1' with BLOCK(d), unless you are pretty sure of yourself. As opposed to the 2-parameter block function, this function would be used when the stimulus lengths differ between classes, i.e. if stimulus class 1 has 7-second stimuli, and stimulus class 2 has 11-second stimuli. A longer stimulus is expected to result in a bigger response, perhaps up to a limit of a 15-second stimulus. So if any stimulus class has a duration less than 15 seconds, and that duration differs from that of any other stimulus class, this 1-parameter BLOCK() function may be good to use. The bigger response will be accounted for by the basis functions, allowing a valid comparison between the beta weights. As an example, imagine that class 1 is for a 3-second stimulus of some type. If class 2 is for a 7-second stimulus which is exactly the same as the class 1 stimulus, just longer, we would hope to be able to say that these have the same response (in some way), because they are the same type of stimulus. But clearly, the 7-second stimuli ought to generate a bigger response than the 3-second stimuli. Assuming the brain works as we hope, then using BLOCK(3) and BLOCK(7) for the basis functions of these 2 classes would result in exactly the same beta weights output by 3dDeconvolve, while the columns of the X-matrix would differ by a scalar. --- Recall that a BLOCK() curve is created by convolving a function similar to GAM with a boxcar function. In the case of a 1-parameter BLOCK() function, each beta weight represents not the peak height of the corresponding BLOCK curve (as they did with the 2-parameter BLOCK() function), but the height of the underlying incomplete gamma variate function that was convolved with the boxcar function. So the beta weight would represent not the magnitude of the response to a single, long stimulus, but the magnitude of the response as if the stimulus were instantaneous. This is meant to remove the differences due to different stimulus durations.
7 May 2007 —