level 3 and higher

The levels of importance go from 1 to 5, with meanings:
       1 - users would not care
       2 - of little importance, though some users might care
       3 - fairly important
       4 - a big change or new program
       5 - IMPORTANT: we expect users to know

generated via the command : afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 3 -past_months 6 

---- log of AFNI updates (most recent first) ---- 04 Oct 2024, RC Reynolds,, level 3 (MAJOR), type 2 (NEW_OPT) add -datatable 'command', to generate table for R stats programs Use -command datatable to generate datatable files for -dataTable options, for programs like 3dMVM, 3dLME, etc.
10 Sep 2024, P Taylor, gtkyd_check, level 3 (MAJOR), type 1 (NEW_PROG) A *Python* version of previously-written tcsh script of same name. Much faster way of checking/tabulating a glob of datasets for properties.

auto-generated by afni_history on Feb 4 2025