AFNI program: 1dAstrip
Output of -help
Usage: 1dAstrip < input > output
This very simple program strips non-numeric characters
from a file, so that it can be processed by other AFNI
1d programs. For example, if your input is
x=3.6 y=21.6 z=14.2
then your output would be
3.6 21.6 14.2
* Non-numeric characters are replaced with blanks.
* The letter 'e' is preserved if it is preceded
or followed by a numeric character. This is
to allow for numbers like '1.2e-3'.
* Numeric characters, for the purpose of this
program, are defined as the digits '0'..'9',
and '.', '+', '-'.
* The program is simple and can easily end up leaving
undesired junk characters in the output. Sorry.
* This help string is longer than the rest of the
source code to this program!
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