AFNI program: 1dDW_Grad_o_Mat++
Output of -help
++ Program version: 2.2
Simple function to manipulate DW gradient vector files, b-value
files, and b- or g-matrices. Let: g_i be one of Ng spatial gradients
in three dimensions; |g_i| = 1, and the g-matrix is G_{ij} = g_i * g_j
(i.e., dyad of gradients, without b-value included); and the DW-scaled
b-matrix is B_{ij} = b * g_i * g_j.
**This new version of the function** will replace the original/older
version (1dDW_Grad_o_Mat). The new has similar functionality, but
improved defaults:
+ it does not average b=0 volumes together by default;
+ it does not remove top b=0 line from top by default;
+ output has same scaling as input by default (i.e., by bval or not);
and a switch is used to turn *off* scaling, for unit magn output
(which is cleverly concealed under the name '-unit_mag_out').
Wherefore, you ask? Well, times change, and people change.
The above functionality is still available, but each just requires
selection with command line switches.
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As of right now, one can input:
+ 3 rows of gradients (as output from dcm2nii, for example);
+ 3 columns of gradients;
+ 6 columns of g- or b-matrices, in `diagonal-first' (-> matA) order:
Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz,
which is used in 3dDWItoDT, for example;
+ 6 columns of g- or b-matrices, in `row-first' (-> matT) order:
Bxx, 2*Bxy, 2*Bxz, Byy, 2*Byz, Bzz,
which is output by TORTOISE, for example;
+ when specifying input file, one can use the brackets '{ }'
in order to specify a subset of rows to keep (NB: probably
can't use this grad-filter when reading in row-data right
During processing, one can:
+ flip the sign of any of the x-, y- or z-components, which
may be necessary to do to make the scanned data and tracking
work happily together;
+ filter out all `zero' rows of recorded reference images,
THOUGH this is not really recommended.
One can then output:
+ 3 columns of gradients;
+ 6 columns of g- or b-matrices, in 'diagonal-first' order;
+ 6 columns of g- or b-matrices, in 'row-first' order;
+ as well as including a column of b-values (such as used in, e.g.,
+ as well as explicitly include a row of zeros at the top;
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1dDW_Grad_o_Mat++ \
{ -in_row_vec | -in_col_vec | \
-in_col_matA | -in_col_matT } INFILE \
{ -flip_x | -flip_y | -flip_z | -no_flip } \
{ -out_row_vec | -out_col_vec | \
-out_col_matA | -out_col_matT } OUTFILE \
{ -in_bvals BVAL_FILE } \
{ -out_col_bval } \
{ -out_row_bval_sep BB | -out_col_bval_sep BB } \
{ -unit_mag_out } \
{ -bref_mean_top } \
{ -bmax_ref THRESH } \
{ -put_zeros_top } \
(one of the following formats of input must be given):
-in_row_vec INFILE :input file of 3 rows of gradients (e.g.,
dcm2nii-format output).
-in_col_vec INFILE :input file of 3 columns of gradients.
-in_col_matA INFILE :input file of 6 columns of b- or g-matrix in
'A(FNI)' `diagonal first'-format. (See above.)
-in_col_matT INFILE :input file of 6 columns of b- or g-matrix in
'T(ORTOISE)' `row first'-format. (See above.)
(one of the following formats of output must be given):
-out_row_vec OUTFILE :output file of 3 rows of gradients.
-out_col_vec OUTFILE :output file of 3 columns of gradients.
-out_col_matA OUTFILE :output file of 6 columns of b- or g-matrix in
'A(FNI)' `diagonal first'-format. (See above.)
-out_col_matT OUTFILE :output file of 6 cols of b- or g-matrix in
'T(ORTOISE)' `row first'-format. (See above.)
(and any of the following options may be used):
-in_bvals BVAL_FILE :BVAL_FILE is a file of b-values, either a single
row (such as the 'bval' file generated by
dcm2nii) or a single column of numbers. Must
have the same number of entries as the number
of grad vectors or matrices.
-out_col_bval :switch to put a column of the bvalues as the
first column in the output data.
-out_row_bval_sep BB :output a file BB of bvalues in a single row.
-out_col_bval_sep BB :output a file BB of bvalues in a single column.
-unit_mag_out :switch so that each vector/matrix from the INFILE
is scaled to either unit or zero magnitude.
(Supplementary input bvalues would be ignored
in the output matrix/vector, but not in the
output bvalues themselves.) The default
behavior of the function is to leave the output
scaled however it is input (while also applying
any input BVAL_FILE).
-flip_x :change sign of first column of gradients (or of
the x-component parts of the matrix)
-flip_y :change sign of second column of gradients (or of
the y-component parts of the matrix)
-flip_z :change sign of third column of gradients (or of
the z-component parts of the matrix)
-no_flip :don't change any gradient/matrix signs. This
is an extraneous switch, as the default is to
not flip any signs (this is mainly used for
some scripting convenience
-check_abs_min VVV :By default, this program checks input matrix
formats for consistency (having positive semi-
definite diagonal matrix elements). It will fail
if those don't occur. However, sometimes there is
just a tiny values <0, like a rounding error;
you can specify to push throughfor negative
diagonal elements with magnitude <VVV, with those
values getting replaced by zero. Be judicious
with this power! (E.g., maybe VVV ~ 0.0001 might
be OK... but if you get looots of negatives, then
you really, really need to check your data for
(and the follow options are probably mainly extraneous, nowadays)
-bref_mean_top :when averaging the reference X 'b0' values (the
default behavior), have the mean of the X
values be represented in the top row; default
behavior is to have nothing representing the b0
information in the top row (for historical
functionality reasons). NB: if your reference
'b0' actually has b>0, you might not want to
average the b0 refs together, because their
images could have differing contrast if the
same reference vector wasn't used for each.
-put_zeros_top :whatever the output format is, add a row at the
top with all zeros.
-bmax_ref THRESH :THRESH is a scalar number below which b-values
(in BVAL_IN) are considered `zero' or reference.
Sometimes, for the reference images, the scanner
has a value like b=5 s/mm^2, instead of strictly
b=0 strictly. One can still flag such values as
being associated with a reference image and
trim it out, using, for the example case here,
'-bmax_ref 5.1'.
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# An example of type-conversion from a TORTOISE-style matrix to column
# gradients (if the matT file has bweights, so will the grad values):
1dDW_Grad_o_Mat++ \
-in_col_matT BMTXT_TORT.txt \
-out_col_vec GRAD.dat
# An example of filtering (note the different styles of parentheses
# for the column- and row-type files) and type-conversion (to an
# AFNI-style matrix that should have the bvalue weights afterwards):
1dDW_Grad_o_Mat++ \
-in_col_vec GRADS_col.dat'{0..10,12..30}' \
-in_bvals BVALS_row.dat'[0..10,12..30]' \
-out_col_matA FILT_matA.dat
# An example of filtering *without* type-conversion. Here, note
# the '-unit_mag_out' flag is used so that the output row-vec does
# not carry the bvalue weight with it; it does not affect the output
# bval file. As Levon might say, the '-unit_mag_out' option acts to
# 'Take a load off bvecs, take a load for free;
# Take a load off bvecs, and you put the load right on bvals only.'
# This example might be useful for working with dcm2nii* output:
1dDW_Grad_o_Mat++ \
-in_row_vec ap.bvec'[0..10,12..30]' \
-in_bvals ap.bval'[0..10,12..30]' \
-out_row_vec FILT_ap.bvec \
-out_row_bval_sep FILT_ap.bval \
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If you use this program, please reference the introductory/description
paper for the FATCAT toolbox:
Taylor PA, Saad ZS (2013). FATCAT: (An Efficient) Functional
And Tractographic Connectivity Analysis Toolbox. Brain
Connectivity 3(5):523-535.
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