AFNI program: 3dABoverlap
Output of -help
Usage: 3dABoverlap [options] A B
Output (to screen) is a count of various things about how
the automasks of datasets A and B overlap or don't overlap.
* Dataset B will be resampled to match dataset A, if necessary,
which will be slow if A is high resolution. In such a case,
you should only use one sub-brick from dataset B.
++ The resampling of B is done before the automask is generated.
* The values output are labeled thusly:
#A = number of voxels in the A mask
#B = number of voxels in the B mask
#(A uni B) = number of voxels in the either or both masks (set union)
#(A int B) = number of voxels present in BOTH masks (set intersection)
#(A \ B) = number of voxels in A mask that aren't in B mask
#(B \ A) = number of voxels in B mask that aren't in A mask
%(A \ B) = percentage of voxels from A mask that aren't in B mask
%(B \ A) = percentage of voxels from B mask that aren't in A mask
Rx(B/A) = radius of gyration of B mask / A mask, in x direction
Ry(B/A) = radius of gyration of B mask / A mask, in y direction
Rz(B/A) = radius of gyration of B mask / A mask, in z direction
* If B is an EPI dataset sub-brick, and A is a skull stripped anatomical
dataset, then %(B \ A) might be useful for assessing if the EPI
brick B is grossly misaligned with respect to the anatomical brick A.
* The radius of gyration ratios might be useful for determining if one
dataset is grossly larger or smaller than the other.
-no_automask = consider input datasets as masks
(automask does not work on mask datasets)
-quiet = be as quiet as possible (without being entirely mute)
-verb = print out some progress reports (to stderr)
* If an input dataset is comprised of bytes and contains only one
sub-brick, then this program assumes it is already an automask-
generated dataset and the automask operation will be skipped.
++ Compile date = Feb 24 2025 {AFNI_25.0.07:linux_ubuntu_24_64}
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Tue Feb 25 12:31:39 AM EST 2025