AFNI program: 3dAttribute
Output of -help
Usage ~1~
3dAttribute [options] aname dset
Prints (to stdout) the value of the attribute 'aname' from
the header of dataset 'dset'. If the attribute doesn't exist,
prints nothing and sets the exit status to 1.
See the full list of attributes in README.attributes here:
Options ~1~
-name = Include attribute name in printout
-all = Print all attributes [don't put aname on command line]
Also implies '-name'. Attributes print in whatever order
they are in the .HEAD file, one per line. You may want
to do '3dAttribute -all elvis+orig | sort' to get them
in alphabetical order.
-center = Center of volume in RAI coordinates.
Note that center is not itself an attribute in the
.HEAD file. It is calculated from other attributes.
Special options for string attributes:
-ssep SSEP Use string SSEP as a separator between strings for
multiple sub-bricks. The default is '~', which is what
is used internally in AFNI's .HEAD file. For tcsh,
I recommend ' ' which makes parsing easy, assuming each
individual string contains no spaces to begin with.
Try -ssep 'NUM'
-sprep SPREP Use string SPREP to replace blank space in string
-quote Use single quote around each string.
Examples ~1~
3dAttribute -quote -ssep ' ' BRICK_LABS SomeStatDset+tlrc.HEAD
3dAttribute -quote -ssep 'NUM' -sprep '+' BRICK_LABS SomeStatDset+tlrc.HEAD
3dAttribute BRICK_STATAUX SomeStatDset+tlrc.HEAD'[0]'
# ... which outputs information for just the [0]th brick of a dset.
# If that dset were an F-stat, then the output might look like:
# 0 4 2 2 430
# ... which, in order, translate to:
# 0 --> the index of the brick in question
# 4 --> the brick's statistical code, findable in README.attributes:
# '#define FUNC_FT_TYPE 4 /* fift: F-statistic */'
# to be an F-statistic
# 2 --> the number of parameters for that stat (shown subsequently)
# 2 --> here, the 1st parameter for the F-stat: 'Numerator DOF'
# 430 --> here, the 2nd parameter for the F-stat: 'Denominator DOF'
++ Compile date = Feb 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.06:linux_ubuntu_24_64}
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Wed Feb 12 07:35:18 PM EST 2025