AFNI program: 3dGenFeatureDist
Output of -help
3dGenFeatureDist produces hives.
-classes 'CLASS_STRING': CLASS_STRING is a semicolon delimited
string of class labels. For example
-classes 'CSF; WM; GM'
-OTHER: Add histograms for an 'OTHER' class that has a uniform pdf.
-no_OTHER: Opposite of -OTHER.
-features 'FEATURES_STRING': FEATURES_STRING is a semicolon delimited
string of features. For example
-features 'MEAN.00_mm; median.19_mm; ...'
-sig 'FEATURE_VOL1 FEATURE_VOL2 ...': Specify volumes that define
the features. Each sub-brick is a feature
and the sub-brick's name is used to name the
feature. Multiple volumes get catenated.
Each occurrence of -sig option must be paired with
a -samp option. Think of each pair of '-sig, -samp'
options as describing data on the same voxel grid;
Think from the same subject. When specifying
training data from K subjects, you will end up using
K pairs of '-sig, -samp'.
All volumes from the kth -sig instance should have
the same voxel grid as each other and as that of
the kth -samp datasets.
-samp 'SAMPLE_VOX1 SAMPLE_VOX2 ...': Specify which voxels belong to
each class of interest. Each of the volumes
should contain voxel values (keys) that are
defined in -labeltable. You can specify multiple
volumes, they all get catenated. Any volume can
contain voxels from 1 or more classes.
Each occurrence of -samp option must be paired with
a -sig option. Think of each pair of '-sig, -samp'
options as describing data on the same voxel grid;
Think from the same subject. When specifying
training data from K subjects, you will end up using
K pairs of '-sig, -samp'.
All volumes from the kth -samp instance should have
the same voxel grid as each other and as that of
the kth -sig datasets.
-hspec FEATURE MIN MAX NBINS: Set histogram parameters for feature FEATURE
FEATURE: String label of feature
MIN, MAX: Range of histogram
NBINS: Number of bins
Use this option to set the histogram parameters for the features for
the automatic parameter selection was lousy. You can specify
for multiple features by using multiple -hspec instances. The only
condition is that all feature labels (FEATURE) must be part of the
set named in -features.
-prefix PREF: PREF is the prefix for all output volume that are not
debugging related.
default: GenFeatDist
-ShowTheseHists HISTNAMES: Show histograms specified by HISTNAMES and quit.
HISTNAMES can specify just one .niml.hist file or a bunch of
them using a space, or comma separated list.
List multiple names between quotes.
-overwrite: An option common to almost all AFNI programs. It is
automatically turned on if you provide no PREF.
-debug: Debugging level
default: 1
-labeltable LT: Specify the label table
default: 1
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Wed Mar 12 07:57:46 PM EDT 2025