AFNI program: 3dXClustSim
Output of -help
This program takes as input random field simulations
(e.g., from 3dttest++) and does the ETAC processing to
find cluster figure of merit (FOM) thresholds that are
equitable (AKA balanced) across
* voxel-wise p-values (-pthr option)
* blurring cases (-ncase option)
* H power values (-hpow option) -- probably not useful
as well as being balanced across space to produce
a False Positive Rate (FPR) that is approximately the
same for each location and for each sub-case listed
above. The usual goal is a global FPR of 5%.
* This program can be slow and consume a LOT of memory!
(And I mean a BIG LOT, not a small lot.)
* The output is a set of multi-threshold (*.mthresh.*.nii)
files -- one for each of the -ncase inputs.
* These files can be used via program 3dMultiThresh
to produce an 'activation' mask.
* 3dXClustSim is intended to be used from 3dttest++
(via its '-ETAC' option) or some other script.
* It is not intended to be run directly by any but the most
knowledgeable and astute users. Which is why this help is so terse.
-inset mask sdata ... {MANDATORY} [from 3dtoXdataset or 3dttest++]
-insdat Data files are in the '.sdat' format.
-NN 1 or 2 or 3 [-NN1 or -NN2 or -NN3 will work; default = 2]
-sid 1 or 2 [-1sid or -2sid will work; default = 2]
-hpow 0 1 2 [or some subset of these; default = 2]
-ncase N lab1 .. labN [multiple processing cases; e.g., blurs]
[default = 1 A]
[example = 4 b04 b06 b08 b10]
-pthr list of values [default = 0.0100 0.0056 0.0031 0.0018 0.0010]
[equiv z1= 2.326 2.536 2.731 2.911 3.090 ]
[equiv z2= 2.576 2.770 2.958 3.121 3.291 ]
-FPR ff set global FPR goal to ff%, where ff is an integer
from 2 to 9 (inclusive). Default value is 5.
-multiFPR compute results for multiple FPR goals (2%, 3%, ... 9%)
-minclust M don't allow clusters smaller than M voxels [default M=5]
-local do the 'local' (voxelwise) ETAC computations
-global do the 'global' (volumewise) ETAC computations
-nolocal don't do the 'local'
-noglobal don't do the 'global'
-splitfrac F split simulations into pieces ( 0.2 < F < 0.8 )
-prefix something useful
-verb be more verbose
-quiet silentium est aureum
** Authored by Lamont Cranston, also known as ... The Shadow.
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