AFNI program: 3dXYZcat
Output of -help
Usage: 3dXYZcat [options] dataset dataset ...
* Catenates datasets spatially (for time cat-ing, cf. 3dTcat).
* The input datasets must match, in the sense that the pieces
fit together properly (spatially and in time).
* Unlike in 3dZcat, all input datasets must be stored with the
same data type (e.g., shorts, floats, ...); also, sub-brick scale
factors are not allowed. If you need to spatially catenate scaled
short datasets, for example, convert them to float format using
'3dcalc -float', then catenate THOSE datasets.
-prefix pname = Use 'pname' for the output dataset prefix name.
[default prefix = 'xyzcat']
-verb = Print out some verbositiness as the program proceeds.
-dir Q = Catenate along direction 'Q', which is one of
X or Y or Z (synonyms are I or J or K)
which are the STORAGE directions (not DICOM) of the
3D grid of the input datasets.
[default direction = 'X', for no good reason]
Command line arguments after the above are taken as input datasets.
* If the i-th input dataset has dimensions nx[i] X ny[i] X nz[i], then
case Q = X | I ==> all ny[i] and nz[i] must be the same;
the output dataset has nx = sum{ nx[i] }
case Q = Y | J ==> all nx[i] and nz[i] must be the same;
the output dataset has ny = sum{ ny[i] }
case Q = Z | K ==> all nx[i] and ny[i] must be the same;
the output dataset has nz = sum{ nz[i] }
* In all cases, the input datasets must have the same number of
sub-bricks (time points) and the same data storage type.
* You can use the '3dinfo' program to see the orientation and
grid size of a dataset, to help you decide how to glue your
inputs together.
* There must be at least two datasets input (otherwise, the
program doesn't make much sense, now does it?).
* This is mostly useful for making side-by-side pictures from
multiple datasets, for edification and elucidation.
* If you have some other use for 3dXYZcat, let me know!
** Author: RW Cox [Dec 2010] **
++ Compile date = Feb 24 2025 {AFNI_25.0.07:linux_ubuntu_24_64}
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