AFNI program: @AfniEnv
Output of -help
Script to set an AFNI environment variable in your afni resource file
Usage: @AfniEnv <-set NAME VALUE> [<-unset NAME>]
-set NAME VALUE: Set environment variable NAME to value VALUE
-get NAME: Get the value (same as apsearch -Vname option)
-unset NAME : The opposite of -set
-help: this message
Note that this script only modifies the contents of your .afnirc
file which is determined to be: /home/afniHQ/.afnirc
See also:
apsearch -afni_rc_file
apsearch -view_readme env
Global Help Options:
-h_web: Open webpage with help for this program
-hweb: Same as -h_web
-h_view: Open -help output in a GUI editor
-hview: Same as -hview
-all_opts: List all of the options for this script
-h_find WORD: Search for lines containing WORD in -help
output. Seach is approximate.
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Tue Feb 25 12:33:30 AM EST 2025