AFNI program: @FS_roi_label
Output of -help
This script is used to get labels associated with
FreeSurfer's parcellation and annotation files.
For volumetric FreeSurfer Parcellations:
Usage: @FS_roi_label <int>
Return the name of an integer labeled area in FreeSurfer's
parcellation. Lookup is based on your installed
@FS_roi_label 2180
Usage: @FS_roi_label <-lab int>
Return the name of an integer labeled area in FreeSurfer's
@FS_roi_label -lab 2180
Usage: @FS_roi_label <-rank R> <-rankmap M.1D>
Return the name of ranked integer labeled area from the output
of 3dRank or 3dmerge -1rank on a FreeSurfer parcellation file.
@FS_roi_label -rank 198 \
-rankmap SUMA/aparc.a2005s+aseg_rank.rankmap.1D
Usage: @FS_roi_label <-name NAME>
Return the entries matching NAME (case insensitive, partial match)
from FreeSurfer's FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
@FS_roi_label -name cerebra
You can use ALL for NAME to get all entries in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
Usage: @FS_roi_label <-name NAME> <-rankmap M.1D>
Return the entries matching NAME and their rank per M.1D
Unavailable ranks are flagged with the # sign
@FS_roi_label -name cerebra \
-rankmap SUMA/aparc.a2005s+aseg_rank.rankmap.1D
Usage: @FS_roi_label <-name ALL> \
<-labeltable LABELTABLE> <-rankmap M.1D>
Build a label table that can be added to the ranked volume
so that AFNI can display labels of parcellated volumes.
Use 3drefit -labeltable LABELTABLE DSET to add the table
to the rank dataset DSET
Example: 3drefit -labeltable LABELTABLE SUMA/aparc.a2005s+aseg_rank
For Surface-Based FreeSurfer Annotations :
Usage: @FS_roi_label <-surf_annot_cmap CMAP> <-slab int>
Return the name of an integer labeled area in FreeSurfer's
surface-based annotation.
CMAP is the file output by FSread_annot's -roi_1D option.
It should sit by default in the SUMA/ directory.
The script will search a little for a CMAP under the path from where
it is launched. However, if the script cannot find a CMAP
on its own, you'll need to specify it with -surf_annot_cmap on the
command line.
@FS_roi_label -slab 42 \
-surf_annot_cmap lh.aparc.a2005s.annot.1D.cmap
Usage: @FS_roi_label <-surf_annot_cmap CMAP> <-sname SNAME>
Return the entries matching NAME (case insensitive, partial match)
from the CMAP file
@FS_roi_label -sname occi \
-surf_annot_cmap lh.aparc.a2005s.annot.1D.cmap
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Tue Feb 25 12:35:12 AM EST 2025