AFNI program: @Install_D99_macaque
Output of -help
Installs the D99 macaque version 2 atlases described in:
High-resolution mapping and digital atlas of subcortical regions in
the macaque monkey based on matched MAP-MRI and histology
Saleem, Avram, Glen, Yen, Ye, Komlosh, Basser
NeuroImage, Nov. 2021
Three-dimensional digital template atlas of the macaque brain
Reveley, Gruslys, Ye, Glen, Samaha, Russ, Saad, Seth, Leopold, Saleem
Cerebral Cortex, Aug. 2016.
Note the atlas datasets may not be modified or redistributed without prior
consent from the authors.
Please contact or with questions,
comments and suggestions.
After the archive is downloaded and unpacked, see its README.txt
for details.
[-wget]: Use wget to download archive. Script chooses by default
with preference for curl
[-curl]: Use curl to download archive. Script chooses by default
with preference for curl
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Wed Mar 12 08:01:30 PM EDT 2025