AFNI program: @Install_MACAQUE_DEMO_REST
Output of -help
Installs the demo archive for AFNI's resting state FMRI
macaque-analysis demo. The Demo contains 6 subjects, each with 2 EPIs
and one anatomical reference. Processing includes using
@animal_warper, and 3dNetCorr.
After the archive is downloaded and unpacked, see its README.txt for
[-wget] : Use wget to download archive. Script chooses by default
with preference for curl
[-curl] : Use curl to download archive. Script chooses by default
with preference for curl
[-lite_version] : Download a version of the Demo in which the EPIs
have been truncated to 75 points each. This makes
the download size less than half of the original,
and means the processing will run
faster. Note that the processing outputs will look
a bit different-- but that might be fine for quicker
learning purposes.
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Wed Mar 12 08:01:36 PM EDT 2025