AFNI program: @ScriptCheck
Output of -help
Usage: @ScriptCheck [-clean] [-suffix SUFF] <Script1> [Script2 ...]
Checks script(s) for improperly terminated lines
-clean: Clean bad line breaks
-suffix SUFF: Rename uncleaned file Script1.SUFF
The default for SUFF is .uncln
echo "A good line" > ./___toy
echo "A good break \" >> ./___toy
echo "A harmless \ slash" >> ./___toy
echo "A bad break \ " >> ./___toy
echo "The end" >> ./___toy
To find the bad line breaks
@ScriptCheck ___toy
To find and clean the bad line breaks
@ScriptCheck -clean ___toy
The uncleaned (original) file goes into ___toy.uncln
Use file_tool -show_file_type -infiles YOURFILE
To check for non-printable characters, and a whole lot more.
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Tue Feb 25 12:36:55 AM EST 2025