AFNI program: @Shift_Volume
Output of -help
Usage: @Shift_Volume <[-rai_shift dR dA dI] [-MNI_Anat_to_MNI] [-MNI_to_MNI_Anat]> <-dset DSET> [-no_cp] [-prefix PREFIX]
Shifts a dataset
-rai_shift dR dA dI: Move dset by dR dA dI mm (RAI coord sys).
-MNI_Anat_to_MNI: (same as -rai_shift-rai_shift 0 -4 -5)
Moves a dataset from MNI Anatomical space
to MNI space.
-MNI_to_MNI_Anat: (same as -rai_shift-rai_shift 0 4 5)
Moves a dataset from MNI space
to MNI Anatomical space.
For the -MNI_* options, See Eickhoff et al. Neuroimage (25) 2005
-dset DSET: Typically an anatomical dset to be
aligned to BASE.
-no_cp: Do not create new data, shift existing ones
This is a good option if you know what you
are doing.
-prefix PREFIX: Prefix for output dset.
Requires 3drefit newer than Oct. 02/02.
Ziad Saad (
SSCC/NIMH/ National Institutes of Health, Bethesda Maryland
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