AFNI program: @djunct_anonymize
Output of -help
Helper program to anonymize files.
NB: Default behavior of this program is to overwrite your file
(removing header info), so you might want to make a copy first!
(... or, use the '-copy_to ..' option).
written by PA Taylor
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-input II :(req) input dataset.
-add_note AN :(opt) after anonymizing, add a note "AN" to the history.
-copy_to CT :(opt) by default, this program overwrites the header info
of the input file II. Instead, you can use this opt
to first copy the input to a new file CT, which is then
anonymized (the input file will *not* be).
-overwrite :(opt) if using "-copy to ..", won't overwrite existing
file by default; use this opt to copy over preexisting
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
This program is mainly a wrapper for two AFNI programs to anonymize
header info:
3drefit -denote ...
nifti_tool -strip_extras -overwrite ...
(The latter is only called if the input file is a NIFTI.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Examples ~1~
1) Basic usage: overwrite input file:
@djunct_anonymize \
-input FILE.nii
2) Copy file first, then purge header info:
@djunct_anonymize \
-input FILE.nii \
-copy_to NEW_FILE.nii
3) Same as #2, but then add a note to the new file's history:
@djunct_anonymize \
-input FILE.nii \
-copy_to NEW_FILE.nii \
-add_note "This program makes a header as clean as a well-taken Arsenal corner"
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