AFNI program: @djunct_overlap_check
Output of -help
More helpful helpfile description coming (some day...)
This is just a helper script for other things.
written by PA Taylor, modelled heavily on RW Cox's '@snapshot_volreg'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-ulay ULAY
-olay OLAY
-prefix PREFIX
-box_focus_slices DSET_BFS
-montgap MG
-montcolor MC
-cbar CBAR
-opacity OPA
-zerocolor ZC
-set_dicom_xyz XX YY ZZ
-ulay_range umin umax
-ulay_range_nz umin umax
-montx MX
-monty MY
-montx_cat MX2
-monty_cat MY2
-label_mode LM
This is mostly useful if the olay has no skull and the ulay has a
skull, in terms of being able to see overlap well.
If using -box_focus_slices, don't use the AMASK_FOCUS_OLAY keyword,
but instead repeat the name of the olay explicitly. This is because
this program creates an edgified version of the olay, which gets
passed into @chauffeur_afni, and then using the AMASK* functionality
would try to 'automask' that dset, typically leaves no voxels and
leads to an error. Repeating the name of the input olay leads to
correct behavior. (Ask me how I discovered *this* tidbit of
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Wed Mar 12 08:00:22 PM EDT 2025