AFNI program: @extract_meica_ortvec
Output of -help
@extract_meica_ortvec - project good MEICA components out of bad ones
The MEICA process, via, creates a set of components:
accepted : components it things are good BOLD
ignored : components it decides not to bother with
midk_rejected : components it "borderline" rejects
rejected : components it more strongly rejects
Together, this full matrix is fit to the data, and the fit of the
rejected components is subtracted from the data. But the rejected
components are correlated with accepted ones.
To more conservatively keep the entirety of the accepted components,
projection components are created here by projecting the good ones
out of the bad ones, and taking the result as more strictly bad ones,
which can be projected later.
This script (currently) relies on being run from a output
directory, probably of name TED.XXX.
sample commands:
@extract_meica_ortvec -prefix run_5_meica_orts.1D
@extract_meica_ortvec -meica_dir tedana_r01/TED.r01 \
-work_dir tedana_r01/work.orts \
-prefix tedana_r01/meica_orts.1D
-prefix PREFIX : name for output 1D ortvec file
-meica_dir MDIR : directory for meica files
-reject_ignored VAL : VAL=0/1, do we reject ignored components
(default = 0, keep, do not reject)
(should probably never reject)
-reject_midk VAL : VAL=0/1, do we reject midk components
(default = 1, reject)
(should probably default to keeping)
-work_dir WDIR : sub-directory for work
-verb VLEVEL : set verbosity level
More options will be added, but this is enough to get used by for now.
Author: R Reynolds May, 2018
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Wed Feb 12 07:38:36 PM EST 2025