AFNI program: @make_plug_diff
Output of -help
Usage: @make_plug_diff -vtk VTKDIR -xm XMDIR -asrc ASRCDIR -abin ABINDIR
Compiles AFNI's diffusion plugin.
I used it as a way to log what is needed to compile the plugin.
We should work closely with Greg Balls and Larry Frank to make the
need for this script obsolete
-comments: output comments only
-linux: flag for doing linuxy things
-vtk VTKDIR: Directory where vtk is installed
-xm XMDIR: Directory where motif is installed
-asrc ASRCDIR: Full path to AFNI's src/ directory
-abin ABINDIR: Path, relative to ASRCDIR, to abin
-diff DIFFDIR: name of directory containing diffusion code
Sample compilation on GIMLI (OSX 10.5)
@make_plug_diff -vtk /sw -xm /sw \
-asrc /Users/ziad/ \
-abin ../abin -diff afni-diff-plugin-0.86
Sample compilation on linux (FC 10)
@make_plug_diff -xm /usr -asrc /home/ziad/ \
-abin ../abin -diff afni-diff-plugin-0.86 \
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Tue Feb 25 12:35:52 AM EST 2025