AFNI file: README.render_scripts
Format of AFNI Rendering Scripts
This document assumes you are familiar with operation of the AFNI Volume
Rendering plugin (plug_render.c).
By examining the output of one of the "Scripts->Save" buttons, you can
probably guess most of the format of a .rset file. Each rendering frame
starts with the string "***RENDER", and then is followed by a list of
variable assignments. Each variable assignment should be on a separate
line, and the blanks around the "=" signs are mandatory.
Please note well that you cannot use the Automate expression feature in a
.rset file: the right hand side of each assignment must be a number, or
a symbolic name (as for the cutout types, infra). You also cannot use the
"Expr > 0" cutout type in a .rset file, since that requires a symbolic
expression on the RHS of the assignment, and the .rset I/O routines aren't
programmed to handle this special case.
When a .rset file is written out, the first ***RENDER frame contains
definitions of all the rendering state variables. Succeeding frames
only define variables that change from the previous frame. Comments
may be included using the C++ notation "//" (=comment to end of line).
At the present time, the dataset name (_name) variables are not used by
the renderer. Some other variables are only used if certain toggles on
the "Scripts" menu are activated:
* The sub-brick index variables (*_ival) are used only if the
"Brick Index?" toggle is activated.
* The brightness (bright_) variables and opacity (opacity_)
variables are used only if the "Alter Grafs?" toggle is activated.
* The dataset ID codes (_idc variables) are only used if the
"Alter Dsets?" toggle is activated.
The section below is a .rset file to which I have added comments in order
to indicate the function of each variable.
Bob Cox -- July 01999
-- updated April 02000
***RENDER // starts a frame
dset_name = /usr3/cox/verbal/strip+tlrc.HEAD // not used now
func_dset_name = /usr3/cox/verbal/func+tlrc.HEAD // not used now
dset_idc = MCW_OYJRIKDHKMV // used by "Alter Dsets?"
func_dset_idc = MCW_PTEAZEWVTIG // used by "Alter Dsets?"
dset_ival = 0 // sub-brick of underlay
func_color_ival = 0 // sub-brick of overlay
func_thresh_ival = 1 // sub-brick of overlay
clipbot = 0 // underlay clipping
cliptop = 128 // ranges
angle_roll = 55 // viewing angles in
angle_pitch = 120 // degrees
angle_yaw = 0
xhair_flag = 0 // 1 = show crosshairs
func_use_autorange = 1 // Autorange button
func_threshold = 0.5 // between 0 and 1
func_thresh_top = 1 // 1, 10, 1000, or 10000
func_color_opacity = 0.5 // between 0 and 1
func_see_overlay = 0 // 1 = show color
func_cut_overlay = 0 // 1 = cut overlay
func_kill_clusters = 0 // 1 = kill clusters
func_clusters_rmm = 1 // rmm parameter in mm
func_clusters_vmul = 200 // vmul parameter in mm**3
func_range = 10000 // used if autorange = 0
// new pbar values
pbar_mode = 0 // 1 = positive only
pbar_npane = 9 // number of color panes
pbar_pval[0] = 1 // inter-pane thresholds
pbar_pval[1] = 0.75
pbar_pval[2] = 0.5
pbar_pval[3] = 0.25
pbar_pval[4] = 0.05
pbar_pval[5] = -0.05
pbar_pval[6] = -0.25
pbar_pval[7] = -0.5
pbar_pval[8] = -0.75
pbar_pval[9] = -1
opacity_scale = 1
// new cutout values
cutout_num = 3 // from 0 to 9
cutout_logic = AND // could be OR
cutout_type[0] = CUT_ANTERIOR_TO
cutout_mustdo[0] = NO
cutout_param[0] = 0
cutout_type[1] = CUT_RIGHT_OF
cutout_mustdo[1] = NO
cutout_param[1] = 0
cutout_type[2] = CUT_SUPERIOR_TO
cutout_mustdo[2] = YES
cutout_param[2] = 30
// new bright graf values - used by "Alter Grafs?"
bright_nhands = 4 // number of graph handles
bright_spline = 0 // 1 = spline interpolation
bright_handx[0] = 0 // (x,y) coordinates of
bright_handy[0] = 0 // handle positions
bright_handx[1] = 38
bright_handy[1] = 0
bright_handx[2] = 204
bright_handy[2] = 247
bright_handx[3] = 255
bright_handy[3] = 255
// new opacity graf values - used by "Alter Grafs?"
opacity_nhands = 4
opacity_spline = 0
opacity_handx[0] = 0
opacity_handy[0] = 0
opacity_handx[1] = 42
opacity_handy[1] = 0
opacity_handx[2] = 192
opacity_handy[2] = 192
opacity_handx[3] = 255
opacity_handy[3] = 255
***RENDER // starts next frame
angle_roll = 70 // changed roll angle
// new cutout values
cutout_num = 0 // changed cutouts
cutout_logic = OR
***RENDER // starts next frame
cliptop = 90 // changed underlay clip
angle_roll = 55 // changed roll angle
// new cutout values
cutout_num = 3 // changed cutouts
cutout_logic = AND
cutout_type[0] = CUT_ANTERIOR_TO
cutout_mustdo[0] = NO
cutout_param[0] = 0
cutout_type[1] = CUT_RIGHT_OF
cutout_mustdo[1] = NO
cutout_param[1] = 0
cutout_type[2] = CUT_SUPERIOR_TO
cutout_mustdo[2] = YES
cutout_param[2] = 30
// end-of-file means no more frames
The name codes to use for the "cutout_type" variables are
name code in .rset menu label in AFNI
------------------ ------------------
CUT_NONE = No Cut // doesn't do much
CUT_RIGHT_OF = Right of // the rectangular cuts
CUT_LEFT_OF = Left of
CUT_ANTERIOR_TO = Anterior to
CUT_POSTERIOR_TO = Posterior to
CUT_INFERIOR_TO = Inferior to
CUT_SUPERIOR_TO = Superior to
CUT_SLANT_XPY_GT = Behind AL-PR // the diagonal cuts
CUT_EXPRESSION = Expr > 0 // don't use this in a .rset file!
CUT_TT_ELLIPSOID = TT Ellipsoid // pretty useless
CUT_NONOVERLAY = NonOverlay++ // mildly useless
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