AFNI program: RSFgen
Output of -help
++ RSFgen: AFNI version=AFNI_25.0.07 (Feb 24 2025) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: B. Douglas Ward
Sample program to generate random stimulus functions.
-nt n n = length of time series
-num_stimts p p = number of input stimuli (experimental conditions)
[-nblock i k] k = block length for stimulus i (1<=i<=p)
(default: k = 1)
[-seed s] s = random number seed
[-quiet] flag to suppress screen output
[-one_file] place stimulus functions into a single .1D file
[-one_col] write stimulus functions as a single column of decimal
integers (default: multiple columns of binary nos.)
[-prefix pname] pname = prefix for p output .1D stimulus functions
e.g., pname1.1D, pname2.1D, ..., pnamep.1D
The following Random Permutation, Markov Chain, and Input Table options
are mutually exclusive.
Random Permutation options:
-nreps i r r = number of repetitions for stimulus i (1<=i<=p)
[-pseed s] s = stim label permutation random number seed
Note: Require n >= Sum (r[i] * k[i])
Markov Chain options:
-markov mfile mfile = file containing the transition prob. matrix
[-pzero z] probability of a zero (i.e., null) state
(default: z = 0)
Input Table row permutation options:
[-table dfile] dfile = filename of column or table of numbers
Note: dfile may have a column selector attached
Note: With this option, all other input options,
except -seed and -prefix, are ignored
Warning: This program will overwrite pre-existing .1D files
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Tue Feb 25 12:36:52 AM EST 2025