AFNI program: SurfLayers
Output of -help
Overview ~1~
This is a program to compute intermediate surfaces between two boundary surfaces
SurfLayers computes new surfaces for a given number of cortical divisions
at intermediate distances by simple computation of the fraction
between the inner and outer-most surfaces (aka "equi-distant").
A single dividing surface would be halfway between the two surfaces.
Options ~1~
-spec SPEC_DSET :dataset that is the SUMA specification file
describing input surfaces
-outdir DIRNAME :new directory for output (default: surflayers)
-states IN OUT :typically smoothwm, pial states to describe inner
and outer surfaces (default: "smoothwm pial")
-hemi HH :choose hemisphere: "lh", "rh" or "lh rh" (for both)
-n_intermed_surfs N :total number of intermediate surfaces to create
-surf_A SB :inner boundary surface by filename (e.g. smoothwm.gii)
-surf_B SA :outer boundary surface by filename (e.g. pial.gii)
-surf_intermed_pref SIP :name for interpolated surfaces
(default: isurf)
-echo :run script with 'set echo' (i.e., verbosely)
-no_clean :do not remove temp files (probably just for testing)
Notes ~1~
Output includes a new directory containing:
+ isurf.lh.01...n.gii - interpolated surfaces numbered 1 to n
+ other files too if -spec option was utilized
+ a run*tcsh script to view the output directly
See also the quickspecSL program for creating a *.spec file.
For more information or questions, please contact:
Salvatore (Sam) Torrisi (
Daniel Glen (
Examples ~1~
SurfLayers \
-spec std.60.myspec.lh.spec \
-states "white pial" \
-n_intermed_surfs 3
SurfLayers \
-surf_A lh.white.gii \
-surf_B lh.pial.gii \
-n_intermed_surfs 3
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