AFNI program: SurfMeasures
Output of -help
SurfMeasures - compute measures from the surface dataset(s)
usage: SurfMeasures [options] -spec SPEC_FILE -out OUTFILE
This program is meant to read in a surface or surface pair,
and to output and user-requested measures over the surfaces.
The surfaces must be specified in the SPEC_FILE.
** Use the 'inspec' command for getting information about the
surfaces in a spec file.
The output will be a 1D format text file, with one column
(or possibly 3) per user-specified measure function. Some
functions require only 1 surface, some require 2.
Current functions (applied with '-func') include:
ang_norms : angular difference between normals
ang_ns_A : angular diff between segment and first norm
ang_ns_B : angular diff between segment and second norm
coord_A : xyz coordinates of node on first surface
coord_B : xyz coordinates of node on second surface
n_area_A : associated node area on first surface
n_area_B : associated node area on second surface
n_avearea_A : for each node, average area of triangles (surf A)
n_avearea_B : for each node, average area of triangles (surf B)
n_ntri : for each node, number of associated triangles
node_vol : associated node volume between surfs
node_volg : associated node volume between surfs via Gauss' theorem
nodes : node number
norm_A : vector of normal at node on first surface
norm_B : vector of normal at node on second surface
thick : distance between surfaces along segment
1. For each node on the surface smoothwm in the spec file,
fred.spec, output the node number (the default action),
the xyz coordinates, and the area associated with the
node (1/3 of the total area of triangles having that node
as a vertex).
SurfMeasures \
-spec fred1.spec \
-sv fred_anat+orig \
-surf_A smoothwm \
-func coord_A \
-func n_area_A \
-out_1D fred1_areas.1D
2. For each node of the surface pair smoothwm and pial,
display the:
o node index
o node's area from the first surface
o node's area from the second surface
o node's resulting volume
o thickness at that node (segment distance)
o coordinates of the first segment node
o coordinates of the second segment node
Additionally, display total surface areas, minimum and
maximum thicknesses, and total volume for the
cortical ribbon (the sum of node volumes).
SurfMeasures \
-spec fred2.spec \
-sv fred_anat+orig \
-surf_A smoothwm \
-surf_B pial \
-func n_area_A \
-func n_area_B \
-func node_volg \
-func thick \
-func coord_A \
-func coord_B \
-info_area \
-info_thick \
-info_vol \
-out fred2_vol.niml.dset
3. For each node of the surface pair, display the:
o node index
o angular diff between the first and second norms
o angular diff between the segment and first norm
o angular diff between the segment and second norm
o the normal vectors for the first surface nodes
o the normal vectors for the second surface nodes
o angular diff between the segment and second norm
SurfMeasures \
-spec fred2.spec \
-surf_A smoothwm \
-surf_B pial \
-func ang_norms \
-func ang_ns_A \
-func ang_ns_B \
-func norm_A \
-func norm_B \
-out fred2_norm_angles
4. Similar to #3, but output extra debug info, and in
particular, info regarding node 5000.
SurfMeasures \
-spec fred2.spec \
-sv fred_anat+orig \
-surf_A smoothwm \
-surf_B pial \
-func ang_norms \
-func ang_ns_A \
-func ang_ns_B \
-debug 2 \
-dnode 5000 \
-out fred2_norm_angles.1D
5. For each node, output the volume, thickness
and areas, but restrict the nodes to the list contained in
column 0 of file sdata.1D. Furthermore, restrict those
nodes to the mask inferred by the given '-cmask' option.
SurfMeasures \
-spec fred2.spec \
-sv fred_anat+orig \
-surf_A smoothwm \
-surf_B pial \
-func node_volg \
-func thick \
-func n_area_A \
-func n_area_B \
-nodes_1D 'sdata.1D[0]' \
-cmask '-a sdata.1D[2] -expr step(a-1000)' \
-out fred2_masked.1D
-spec SPEC_FILE : SUMA spec file
e.g. -spec fred2.spec
The surface specification file contains a list of
related surfaces. In order for a surface to be
processed by this program, it must exist in the spec
-surf_A SURF_NAME : surface name (in spec file)
-surf_B SURF_NAME : surface name (in spec file)
e.g. -surf_A smoothwm
e.g. -surf_A lh.smoothwm
e.g. -surf_B lh.pial
This is used to specify which surface(s) will be used
by the program. The 'A' and 'B' correspond to other
program options (e.g. the 'A' in n_area_A).
The '-surf_B' parameter is required only when the user
wishes to input two surfaces.
Any surface name provided must be unique in the spec
file, and must match the name of the surface data file
(e.g. lh.smoothwm.asc).
-out_1D OUT_FILE.1D : 1D output filename
e.g. -out_1D pickle_norm_info.1D
This option is used to specify the name of the output
file. The output file will be in the 1D ascii format,
with 2 rows of comments for column headers, and 1 row
for each node index.
There will be 1 or 3 columns per '-func' option, with
a default of 1 for "nodes".
Consider using the newer -out instead of -out_1D
-out OUT_DSET : Output into surface dataset OUT_DSET
e.g. -out pickle_norm_info.niml.dset
The dset format is determined from the extension of
OUT_DSET. Default is NIML format.
You are better off using -out and non-1D format datasets
because non-1D datasets are better handled by 3dcalc
You can use both -out and -out_1D, but why?
-cmask COMMAND : restrict nodes with a mask
e.g. -cmask '-a sdata.1D[2] -expr step(a-1000)'
This option will produce a mask to be applied to the
list of surface nodes. The total mask size, including
zero entries, must match the number of nodes. If a
specific node list is provided via the '-nodes_1D'
option, then the mask size should match the length of
the provided node list.
Consider the provided example using the file sdata.1D.
If a surface has 100000 nodes (and no '-nodes_1D' option
is used), then there must be 100000 values in column 2
of the file sdata.1D.
Alternately, if the '-nodes_1D' option is used, giving
a list of 42 nodes, then the mask length should also be
42 (regardless of 0 entries).
See '-nodes_1D' for more information.
-debug LEVEL : display extra run-time info
e.g. -debug 2
default: -debug 0
Valid debug levels are from 0 to 5.
-dnode NODE : display extra info for node NODE
e.g. -dnode 5000
This option can be used to display extra information
about node NODE during surface evaluation.
-func FUNCTION : request output for FUNCTION
e.g. -func thick
This option is used to request output for the given
FUNCTION (measure). Some measures produce one column
of output (e.g. thick or ang_norms), and some produce
three (e.g. coord_A). These options, in the order they
are given, determine the structure of the output file.
Current functions include:
ang_norms : angular difference between normals
ang_ns_A : angular diff between segment and first norm
ang_ns_B : angular diff between segment and second norm
coord_A : xyz coordinates of node on first surface
coord_B : xyz coordinates of node on second surface
n_area_A : associated node area on first surface
n_area_B : associated node area on second surface
n_avearea_A : for each node, average area of triangles (surf A)
n_avearea_B : for each node, average area of triangles (surf B)
n_ntri : for each node, number of associated triangles
node_vol : associated node volume between surfs
node_volg : associated node volume between surfs via Gauss' theorem
nodes : node number
norm_A : vector of normal at node on first surface
norm_B : vector of normal at node on second surface
thick : distance between surfaces along segment
Note that with node_vol, the node volumes can be a little
biased. It is recommended you use -node_volg instead.
You can also use -func ALL to get everything output.
You should not use other -func options with -func ALL
-help : show this help menu
-hist : display program revision history
This option is used to provide a history of changes
to the program, along with version numbers.
NOTE: the following '-info_XXXX' options are used to display
pieces of 'aggregate' information about the surface(s).
-info_all : display all final info
This is a short-cut to get all '-info_XXXX' options.
-info_area : display info on surface area(s)
Display the total area of each triangulated surface.
-info_norms : display info about the normals
For 1 or 2 surfaces, this will give (if possible) the
average angular difference between:
o the normals of the surfaces
o the connecting segment and the first normal
o the connecting segment and the second normal
-info_thick : display min and max thickness
For 2 surfaces, this is used to display the minimum and
maximum distances between the surfaces, along each of
the connecting segments.
-info_vol : display info about the volume
For 2 surfaces, display the total computed volume.
Note that this node-wise volume computation is an
approximation, and tends to run ~10 % high.
** for more accuracy, use -info_volg **
-info_volg : display info about the volume
which is estimated with Gauss'
-nodes_1D NODELIST.1D : request output for only these nodes
e.g. -nodes_1D node_index_list.1D
e.g. -nodes_1D sdata.1D'[0]'
The NODELIST file should contain a list of node indices.
Output from the program would then be restricted to the
nodes in the list.
For instance, suppose that the file BA_04.1D contains
a list of surface nodes that are located in Broadman's
Area 4. To get output from the nodes in that area, use:
-nodes_1D BA_04.1D
For another example, suppose that the file sdata.1D has
node indices in column 0, and Broadman's Area indices in
column 3. To restrict output to the nodes in Broadman's
area 4, use the pair of options:
-nodes_1D 'sdata.1D[0]' \
-cmask '-a sdata.1D[3] -expr (1-bool(a-4))'
-sv SURF_VOLUME : specify an associated AFNI volume
e.g. -sv fred_anat+orig
If there is any need to know the orientation of the
surface, a surface volume dataset may be provided.
-ver : show version information
Show version and compile date.
Author: R. Reynolds - version 1.11 (October 6, 2004)
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