AFNI program:
Output of -help
++ Command line:
/home/afniHQ/ -help
Helpfile for: *** ***
Version num: 1.62
Version dat: June 30, 2021
Written by: PA Taylor (NIMH, NIH)
Just a simple helper function for the fat_proc* scripts.
Takes >= 6 arguments:
1) an output file name;
2) an (warped) atlas of interest, with subbrick selector, if necessary;
3) a mask for the (warped) atlas (same grid)
4) a reference atlas (i.e., same one but unwarped), with (same)
subbrick selector, if necessary.
5) a mask for the reference atlas (same grid)
6) a "modesmooth" value, from modal smoothing used after warping
The output file name will be simple text, containing ROI count/size
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