AFNI program: adjunct_middle_pair_mask
Output of -help
Overview ~1~
This is an adjunct program to find 2 points within a mask that are
centered along the AP and IS axes for a mask/input dset, and then one
is also centered in the "left half" and one centered in the "right
This is primarily meant to be used for APQC HTML creation for ORIG or
TLRC datasets without recognized seed locations.
The locations are found by first running 3dAutobox on the input, which
is expected to be a mask by default. If the input is not a mask, users
can also use the '-automask' option to automask it. After that, each
output point is found in each half of the autoboxed input using '3dCM
-Icent ...'. The output is two sets of three numbers, the coordinates
in question.
Users can use '-prefix ..' to save the results to a text file, or they
could redirect the output with '... > FILE.txt'.
auth : PA Taylor (SSCC, NIMH, NIH, USA)
ver : 0.8
date : April 22, 2024
Options ~1~
-input III :(req) input dset, which can be a mask or a dset
-prefix PPP :output the two lines of 3 coords each to a text file
-automask :use this to run 3dAutomask on the input, *if* the
input is not a mask already
-restrict_mask RM :add in another mask as a constraint, which the two
points must also fall within. This RM dset need
not be on the same grid as the input III dset
(resampling will happen internally).
Using this opt can lead to complicated logic if
there is poor overlap between this and the
input. If this doesn't overlap with one of the
intermediate hemispheres of the input, then the
output points might both be in the same apparent
hemisphere. And if there is no overlap between
this restrictor and the input, you will get two
sets of null coords: (0 0 0). But that will be
your own fault.
-overwrite :flag to turn on overwriting of prior existing file
if '-prefix ..' is used
-verb :spit out a bit of extra text info about calcs.
NB: if you use this opt, then you won't want to try to
get the seed-based coordinates by redirecting
output to a file with '>' but instead would need
to use '-prefix ..' for that.
-no_num_out :do not report the two coordinates in the terminal output
(stdout). Probably this means you are using '-prefix ..'
to save the output results.
-echo :run this script with '-e' opt, to echo every line before
it is executed (so, very verbose output)
-workdir WWW :provide a name of a temporary working directory.
NB: no path should be included in it; it will be placed
into the output directory location
-no_clean :if a workdir is used, then this opt turns off
removing it (def: remove working dir)
-ver :display program version
-help, -h :display this help (soooo meta)
Examples ~1~
1) simple case, just input a mask:
adjunct_middle_pair_mask \
-input mask_epi_anat.sub-001+tlrc.HEAD
2) input a template, automask it and get two points that are also
constrained to be in a secondary mask:
adjunct_middle_pair_mask \
-input MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \
-automask \
-restrictor_mask mask_epi_anat.sub-001+tlrc.HEAD
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