AFNI program: adjunct_suma_fs_roi_info
Output of -help
In brief, this script is for quickly making some ROI stats (counts)
for the SUMA/ directory created by @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS after running
FreeSurfer's recon-all.
This program should be used *after* running adjunct_suma_fs_mask_and_qc,
which makes a useful mask from the aparc+aseg dataset, called
written by PA Taylor.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
This program has the following options:
-sid SUBJ_ID :(req) subject ID
-suma_dir SUMA_DIR :(req) SUMA/ directory output by AFNI's
-help :(opt) show help
-hview :(opt) show help in text editor
-ver :(opt) show version
This script makes four *.1D files in the specified SUMA/ directory.
Column labels are present in each file. Note there are 2 ways to
think of brain volumes after running FS's recon-all: the
brainmask.nii* file (= br_mask), or the number of voxels in the full
set of the aseg/aparc dset for a given atlas (= "all" segment, from
the *_REN_all.nii* dset).
Nvox : number of voxels in the ROI, segment or
mask. This number is always an integer,
>= 0.
FR_BR_MASK : fraction of the number of voxels, segment
or mask, relative to the "br_mask" dset
(that is, to the brainmask.nii* volume).
FR_PARC_MASK : fraction of the number of voxels, segment
or mask, relative to the "parc_mask" dset
(that is, to the fs_parc_wb_mask.nii.gz
volume that is created by the AFNI program
adjunct_suma_fs_mask_and_qc). If this file
does not exist, you will get a col of -1
values for the fraction; but you *should*
just run adjunct_suma_fs_mask_and_qc.
fs_parc_wb_mask.nii.gz is a filled in
form of the aparc+aseg segmentation result.
FR_ALL_ROI : fraction of the number of voxels, segment
or mask, relative to the full set of ROIs
in the given parcellation (that is, to the
*REN_all.nii* volume).
Note that the ROI string labels are provided for each ROI, but behind
a comment symbol in each line (so you can use them as regular *.1D
files, with 1dcat, 1dtranspose, etc.).
stats_fs_rois_2000_FT.1D : info for the "2000" parcellation
(from the file: aparc+aseg_REN_all.nii*)
stats_fs_rois_2009_FT.1D : info for the "2009" parcellation
(from the file: aparc+aseg_REN_all.nii*)
stats_fs_segs_2000_FT.1D : info for the "2000" parc brain mask
and tissue/segmentations (from the
brainmask.nii* and aparc+aseg_REN_* files)
stats_fs_segs_2009_FT.1D : info for the "2009" parc brain mask
and tissue/segmentations (from the
brainmask.nii* and aparc.a2009s+aseg_REN_*
adjunct_suma_fs_roi_info \
-sid sub-001 \
-suma_dir group/sub-001/SUMA
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Wed Mar 12 07:59:18 PM EDT 2025