AFNI program: compute_ROI_stats.tcsh
Output of -help
compute_ROI_stats.tcsh - compute per-ROI value statistics over a given dataset
usage: compute_ROI_stats.tcsh [options] many_required_parameters...
dset_ROI : an ROI dataset
dset_data : a dataset to compute statistics over (e.g. TSNR)
out_dir : a directory to store the results in
rset_label : a label for dset_ROI
rval_list : a list of ROI values to compute stats over (e.g. 2 41 99)
and maybe:
stats_file : name for the resulting statistics text file
create a stats (text) file:
create a depth map for dset_ROI
for each requested ROI value rval in rval_list (for dset_ROI)
compute and store in stats file:
ROI : ROI index value (rval)
Nvox : N voxels in dset_ROI rval region
Nzer : N ROI voxels that are zero in dset_data
Dvox : maximum ROI depth, in voxels (1.0 = 1 iso voxel)
= (max mm depth) / (iso voxel width)
Tmin, T25%, Tmed, T75%, Tmax
: multiples of 25%-iles (with min/max)
X, Y, Z : x, y and z coordinates at max ROI depth
(coordinates are in DICOM/RAI orientation)
ROI_name : ROI label associated with ROI index (in dset_ROI)
example 0: based on
compute_ROI_stats.tcsh \
-out_dir t.tsnr_stats_regress \
-dset_ROI ROI_import_CAEZ_ML_resam+tlrc \
-dset_data TSNR.FT+tlrc \
-rset_label CAEZ_ML \
-rval_list 4 41 99 999
terminal options:
-help : show this help
-hist : show the revision history
-ver : show the program version
required parameters:
-dset_ROI DSET_ROI : ROI dataset containing regions of interest
This dataset should (probably) contain the index
values from -rval_list as regions of interest.
-dset_data DSET_DATA : volume to compute statistics over
This dataset is for computing ROI statistics over,
such as a TSNR volume.
-out_dir OUT_DIR : directory to put results into
The output directory will hold a depth map for all
DSET_ROI regions.
-rset_label RSET_LABEL : text label to refer to dset_ROI by
-rval_list V1 V2 ... : ROI index values (or ALL_LT)
Each index with such voxels in DSET_ROI will be
used to compute statistics from DSET_DATA.
example : -rval_list 2 41 99
example : -rval_list ALL_LT
optional parameters:
-make_html : make addition table formatted with HTML-style
warning coloring (for APQC HTML)
-verb VERB : specify verbosity level (3 == -echo)
def: 1
-echo : same as -verb 3
R Reynolds Apr, 2021
version version 1.8, August 5, 2024
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Wed Mar 12 08:00:04 PM EDT 2025