AFNI program: from3d
Output of -help
++ from3d: AFNI version=AFNI_25.0.07 (Feb 24 2025) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: B. Douglas Ward
Usage: from3d [options] -input fname -prefix rname
Purpose: Extract 2D image files from a 3D AFNI dataset.
-v Print out verbose information during the run.
-nsize Adjust size of 2D data file to be NxN, by padding
with zeros, where N is a power of 2.
-raw Write images in 'raw' format (just the data bytes)
N.B.: there will be no header information saying
what the image dimensions are - you'll have
to get that information from the x and y
axis information output by 3dinfo.
-float Write images as floats, no matter what they are in
the dataset itself.
-zfirst num Set 'num' = number of first z slice to be extracted.
(default = 1)
-zlast num Set 'num' = number of last z slice to be extracted.
(default = largest)
-tfirst num Set 'num' = number of first time slice to be extracted.
(default = 1)
-tlast num Set 'num' = number of last time slice to be extracted.
(default = largest)
-input fname Read 3D dataset from file 'fname'.
'fname' may include a sub-brick selector list.
-prefix rname Write 2D images using prefix 'rname'.
(-input and -prefix are non-optional options: they)
(must be present or the program will not execute. )
N.B.: * Image data is extracted directly from the dataset bricks.
If a brick has a floating point scaling factor, it will NOT
be applied.
* Images are extracted parallel to the xy-plane of the dataset
orientation (which can be determined by program 3dinfo).
This is the order in which the images were input to the
dataset originally, via to3d.
* If either of these conditions is unacceptable, you can also
try to use the Save:bkg function from an AFNI image window.
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Tue Feb 25 12:35:10 AM EST 2025