AFNI program: gen_cluster_table
Output of -help
Overview ~1~
This is a program to take a cluster dataset and make a table of
overlaps with respect to a given atlas.
This would be useful for reporting more information about cluster
results than, say, peak voxel or middle-voxel tables. For usage
example, see:
Highlight Results, Don't Hide Them: Enhance interpretation, reduce
biases and improve reproducibility.
Taylor PA, Reynolds RC, Calhoun V, Gonzalez-Castillo J, Handwerker
DA, Bandettini PA, Mejia AF, Chen G (2023). Neuroimage 274:120138.
This program basically wraps around the useful 'whereami_afni' program.
auth : PA Taylor (SSCC, NIMH, NIH, USA)
ver : 1.0
revdate : Apr 05, 2024
Options ~1~
-input_clust IC :(req) input dataset: the map of clusters, of which you
want to list out overlaps. Should be a single 3D volume.
-input_atlas IA :(req) input dataset: the reference atlas, to be used
to identify/list overlaps from the cluster input
-prefix PPP :(req) output name for the table, so likely should end
with ".txt" or ".dat", for clarity
-min_olap_perc MOP :minimum overlap (as a percentage value) of cluster with
a given reference atlas region to be displayed in the
table. That is, if MOP% or more of the cluster overlaps
with a given region, then list that region.
(def: 10)
**See Notes, below, for more about this**
-strict :by default, if no atlas region overlaps with the
'-min_olap_perc ..' threshold value, then the atlas
region with maximum overlap will be displayed still;
use this option, however, to strictly apply the threshold,
so no ROI would be shown.
-workdir WWW :specify the name of the temporary working directory
(which is created as a new subdirectory of the output
file location---do not include path info here, just a
simple name)
-no_clean :do not remove working directory (def: remove it)
-echo :very verbose output when running (for troubleshooting)
-help, -h :display this meager help info
-ver :display this program version
Notes ~1~
Note that the '-min_olap_perc ..' value specifies the fraction of the
*cluster* for displaying in the table. If your cluster is inherently
much, much larger than your atlas regions, this can mean that you
won't see many overlaps reported in the table. In such a case, you
might want to lower the '-min_olap_perc ..' significantly.
Future work might be to have a different thresholding criterion,
perhaps based on the fraction of the *atlas* region overlap with the
cluster, for reporting.
Examples ~1~
1) Basic usage to create a table:
gen_cluster_table \
-input_clust Clust_mask+tlrc.HEAD \
-input_atlas MNI_Glasser_HCP_v1.0.nii.gz \
-prefix table_cluster_olap_glasser.txt
2) Basic usage to create a table, using a lower overlap fraction cut-off:
gen_cluster_table \
-input_clust Clust_mask+tlrc.HEAD \
-input_atlas MNI_Glasser_HCP_v1.0.nii.gz \
-min_olap_perc 5 \
-prefix table_cluster_olap _glasser.txt
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