AFNI program:
Output of -help
/home/afniHQ/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
g_basic_count_sfiles = """
============================================================================= - generate single subject analysis review scripts
o figure out basic details (sid, trs, xmat, censor stats files, etc.)
o generate an @ss_review_basic script to output simple details about
this subject and results
o generate a @ss_review_driver script to actually inspect the results
(running some commands by the user's control)
o generate @ss_review_driver_commands
(same as @ss_review_driver, but a pure command file)
Consider following this with, after many/all
subjects are analyzed. For example:
cd subject_results -tablefile review_table.xls \
-infiles group.*/subj.*/*.results/out.ss_review.*
1. Run this program without any options, assuming everything is there.
Additional run the basic review script and then the drive script.
2. Esoteric. Set all the output file names (for now via control vars). \
-cvar scr_basic ~/tmp/s.basic \
-cvar scr_drive ~/tmp/ \
-cvar cmds_drive ~/tmp/s.cmds \
-cvar xstim ~/tmp/x.stim.1D
2b. Similar to 2, but put all scripts and intermediate files under
a new ~/tmp/gen_dir. So as an example for testing:
mkdir ~/tmp/gen_dir -cvar out_prefix ~/tmp/gen_dir/
Note that if out_prefix is a directory, it will need a trailing
'/', since it is a file name prefix.
2c. Simplified. Use -prefix instead of -cvar out_prefix. -prefix test.
3a. Show the list of computed user variables. -show_computed_uvars
3b. Also, write uvars to a JSON file. -show_computed_uvars \
-write_uvars_json user_vars.json
3c. Also, initialize uvars from a JSON file (as done by -exit0 \
-init_uvars_json out.ap_uvars.json \
-ss_review_dset out.ss_review.$subj.txt \
-write_uvars_json out.ss_review_uvars.json
required files/datasets (these must exist in the current directory):
variable name example file name
------------- -----------------
tcat_dset pb00.FT.r01.tcat+orig.HEAD
outlier_dset outcount_rall.1D
enorm_dset motion_FT_enorm.1D
censor_dset motion_FT_censor.1D
motion_dset dfile_rall.1D
volreg_dset pb02.FT.r01.volreg+tlrc.HEAD
xmat_regress X.xmat.1D
final_anat FT_anat+tlrc.HEAD
optional files/datasets (censor files are required if censoring was done):
mask_dset full_mask.FT+tlrc.HEAD
censor_dset motion_FT_censor.1D
sum_ideal sum_ideal.1D
stats_dset stats.FT+tlrc.HEAD
errts_dset errts.FT.fanaticor+tlrc.HEAD
xmat_uncensored X.nocensor.xmat.1D
tsnr_dset TSNR.ft+tlrc.HEAD
gcor_dset out.gcor.1D
mask_corr_dset out.mask_ae_corr.txt
terminal options:
-help : show this help
-help_fields : show help describing fields from review_basic
-help_fields_brief : show only the brief field help
-hist : show module history
-show_computed_uvars : show user variables after computing
-show_uvar_dict : show all user variables
-show_uvar_eg : show example of user variables
-show_valid_opts : list valid options
-ver : show current version
other options
-exit0 : regardless of errors, exit with status 0
-prefix OUT_PREFIX : set prefix for script names
-verb LEVEL : set the verbosity level
-write_uvars_json FNAME : write json file of uvars dict to FNAME
options for setting main variables
-init_uvars_json FNAME : initialize uvars from the given JSON file
(akin to many -uvar options)
(this will now pass through unknown uvars)
-subj SID : subject ID
-rm_trs N : number of TRs removed per run
-num_stim N : number of main stimulus classes
-mb_level : multiband slice acquisition level (>= 1)
-slice_pattern : slice timing pattern (see 'to3d -help')
-motion_dset DSET : motion parameters
-outlier_dset DSET : outlier fraction time series
-enorm_dset DSET : euclidean norm of motion params
-mot_limit LIMIT : (optional) motion limit - maybe for censoring
-out_limit LIMIT : (optional) outlier fraction limit
-xmat_regress XMAT : X-matrix file used in regression (X.xmat.1D)
-xmat_uncensored XMAT : if censoring, un-censored X-matrix file
-stats_dset DSET : output from 3dDeconvolve
-final_anat DSET : final anatomical dataset
-final_view VIEW : final view of data (e.g. 'orig' or 'tlrc')
-cvar VAR PARAMS ... : generic option form for control variables
-uvar VAR PARAMS ... : generic option form for user variables
Here are some potential artifacts to ponder (just so they are saved
somewhere), as noted by many of us, including D Glen and J Gonzalez.
We can try to add to this list, and maybe even do something to take
them off <gasp!>.
1. Striping - across slices - EPI, anatomical
2. Artifacts - checkerboard, ringing - EPI, anatomical
3. Spiking (regional or global)
- global would be caught in the outlier fractions
4. Shifts in baseline (regional or global)
- maybe @ANATICOR can help to deal with it, but how to notice?
5. "PURE" on or off / acquisition protocol changes
6. Poor contrast between CSF and WM/GM in EPI
7. Low resolution anatomical data
8. Noisy anatomical data
9. Left-right flipping between anatomical and EPI
- run between flipped versions
(as was done by _____ on the fcon_1000 data)
10. Poor alignment between anatomical and EPI
- currently users can view as part of @ss_review_driver
- can use some large limit test on value from out.mask_overlap.txt
11. Excessive motion
- currently report average motion and censor details
12. "Reshimming-like" shears between EPI volumes
13. Non-uniformity because of surface coils
14. Incorrect DICOM data
15. Inconsistent data types within a study
16. TR not properly set
17. Missing data
18. Inconsistent number of TRs within multiple EPI datasets
19. Missing pre-steady state in EPI data
Thanks to J Jarcho and C Deveney for suggestions, feedback and testing.
R Reynolds July 2011
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