AFNI program: quickspecSL
Output of -help
Overview ~1~
This program makes a *.spec file after a set of intermediate surfaces
have been generated with SurfLayers.
It can also make a *.spec file that relates inflated surfaces to
anatomically-correct surfaces. An example of this is shown below in
the "Usage Example" section.
Options ~1~
-surf_A SA :inner (anatomically-correct) boundary surface dataset
(e.g. smoothwm.gii)
-surf_B SB :outer (anatomically-correct) boundary surface dataset
(e.g. pial.gii)
-surf_intermed_pref SIP
:prefix for (anatomically-correct) intermediate surfaces,
typically output by SurfLayers
(def: isurf)
-infl_surf_A ISA
:inner (inflated) boundary surface dataset
(e.g. infl.smoothwm.gii)
-infl_surf_B ISB
:outer (inflated) boundary surface dataset
(e.g. infl.pial.gii)
-infl_surf_intermed_pref ISIP
:prefix for (inflated) intermediate surfaces,
typically output by SurfLayers
(def: infl.isurf)
-both_lr :specify an output spec for both hemispheres,
if surfaces for both exist
-out_spec :name for output *.spec file
(def: newspec.spec)
Examples ~1~
quickspecSL \
-surf_A lh.white.gii \
-surf_B lh.pial.gii \
-surf_intermed_pref lh.isurf
quickspecSL \
-both_lr \
-surf_A lh.white.gii \
-surf_B lh.pial.gii
3) First, make inflated boundary surfaces before running SurfLayers
on the both those and the original surfaces:
SurfSmooth -i rh.smoothwm.gii -met NN_geom -Niter 240 \
-o_gii -surf_out rh.inf.smoothwm_240 -match_size 9
SurfSmooth -i rh.pial.gii -met NN_geom -Niter 240 \
-o_gii -surf_out rh.inf.pial_240 -match_size 9
quickspecSL \
-surf_A rh.white.gii \
-surf_B rh.pial.gii \
-surf_intermed_pref rh.isurf \
-infl_surf_A rh.inf.smoothwm_240.gii \
-infl_surf_B rh.inf.pial_240.gii \
-infl_surf_intermed_pref infl.rh.isurf
Notes ~1~
If you have any questions, please contact:
S. Torrisi (
D. Glen (
for more info.
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