AFNI program: rtfeedme
Output of -help
Usage: rtfeedme [options] dataset [dataset ...]
Test the real-time plugin by sending all the bricks in 'dataset' to AFNI.
* 'dataset' may include a sub-brick selector list.
* If more than one dataset is given, multiple channel acquisition
will be simulated. Each dataset must then have the same datum
and dimensions.
* If you put the flag '-break' between datasets, then the datasets
in each group will be transmitted in parallel, but the groups
will be transmitted serially (one group, then another, etc.).
+ For example:
rtfeedme A+orig B+orig -break C+orig -break D+orig
will send the A and B datasets in parallel, then send
the C dataset separately, then send the D dataset separately.
(That is, there will be 3 groups of datasets.)
+ There is a 1 second delay between the end transmission for
a group and the start transmission for the next group.
+ You can extend the inter-group delay by using a break option
of the form '-break_20' to indicate a 20 second delay.
+ Within a group, each dataset must have the same datum and
same x,y,z,t dimensions. (Different groups don't need to
be conformant to each other.)
+ All the options below apply to each group of datasets;
i.e., they will all get the same notes, drive commands, ....
-host sname = Send data, via TCP/IP, to AFNI running on the
computer system 'sname'. By default, uses the
current system, and transfers data using shared
memory. To send on the current system using
TCP/IP, use the system 'localhost'.
-dt ms = Tries to maintain an inter-transmit interval of
'ms' milliseconds. The default is to send data
as fast as possible.
-3D = Sends data in 3D bricks. By default, sends in
2D slices.
-buf m = When using shared memory, sets the interprocess
communications buffer to 'm' megabytes. Has no
effect if using TCP/IP. Default is m=1.
If you use m=0, then a 50 Kbyte buffer is used.
-verbose = Be talkative about actions.
-swap2 = Swap byte pairs before sending data.
-nzfake nz = Send 'nz' as the value of nzz (for debugging).
-drive cmd = Send 'cmd' as a DRIVE_AFNI command; e.g.,
-drive 'OPEN_WINDOW A.axialimage'
If cmd contains blanks, it must be in 'quotes'.
Multiple -drive options may be used.
-note sss = Send 'sss' as a NOTE to the realtime plugin.
Multiple -note options may be used.
-gyr v = Send value 'v' as the y-range for realtime motion
estimation graphing.
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Tue Feb 25 12:36:52 AM EST 2025