¥The Directory Tree
_ directories contain files and/or directories
_ / : means either the root directory, or a directory
"consider the directory /home/user/AFNI_data1
_class work:
"open a terminal window
"commands: pwd, ls, ls -a, ls
"use the "cd" command to go to the given directories
for directory /usr/bin, use the
command: cd /usr/bin
there, use the commands "pwd",
"ls", and "ls -al"
that you can always return to the home directory via: cd
_/, home, user, AFNI_data1, .., AFNI_data1/afni,
_/home/user, /usr/bin, ~/abin,
_many commands can be used to
return to the home directory (of "user")
"examples: cd, cd ~, cd ~user, cd
$HOME, cd /home/user
_an "absolute" pathname
begins with '/', a "relative" pathname does not
"a relative pathname depends on where you
start from
"in the directories above, note which are
relative pathnames