_every directory has a parent
"the relative pathname for the parent
directory is '..'
"the relative pathname for the current
directory is '.'
"ls, ls
-a, ls -al, ls -alt, ls -altr, cd ~/AFNI_data1/afni
"ls -l,
wc ideal_r1.1D, cat idea_r1.1D, less ideal_r1.1D
a file perusal program
"basic keystrokes while running less: Enter, Space, b, g, G, h, q
"command: less
_a program is something that gets
"executed", or "run"
_the first element of a command line
is generally a program
the home directory of $USER is $HOME
"ls ~
~/AFNI_data1 ~/AFNI_data1/afni/ideal_r1.1D
_script: an interpreted program
(interpreted by another program)
"e.g. consider the c00.all script:
cat ~/AFNI_data1/ht03/c00.all