¥The Shell: command line
_command interpreter (case and
syntax sensitive)
_examples: tcsh, csh, sh, bash, ksh, zsh, wish, tclsh, rsh, ssh
_command: echo $SHELL
¥The T-shell: /bin/tcsh
_an enhanced C-shell (csh), which has C programming style
_command line processing,
simplified outline:
"evaluate special characters, such as:
Ø~ ! @ # $ : & ( ) * ? \ ' " ` [ ] | { }
Ødecide which
program(s) to execute
¥full pathname, alias, shell
command, search the $PATH
appropriate program, giving it the parameter list
Øsave the
execution status in the $status
¥command: ls $HOME ~/suma_demo
"tcsh has automatic filename completion
using the Tab key
Øtype "ls suma" and hit the Tab
key, watch what happens, and hit Enter
Øtype "ls AF" and hit the Tab
key, note what happens