¥ AFNI formatted
datasets are stored in 2 files
H The .HEAD file
holds all the auxiliary information
H The .BRIK file
holds all the numbers in all the sub-bricks
¥ Datasets can be in one of 3 coordinate systems (AKA views)
H Original data or +orig
view: from the scanner
H AC-PC aligned or +acpc
² Dataset rotated so that the anterior commissure and posterior
are horizontal, the AC is at (x,y,z)=(0,0,0), and the hemispheric
fissure is vertical
H Talairach or +tlrc
² Dataset has been rescaled to have its 12 sub-regions conform
to the
Talairach-Tournoux atlas
² Talairach or Stererotaxic coordinates
² Not quite the same as MNI coordinates, but close