¥ AFNI dataset filenames consist of 3
H The user-selected prefix (almost anything)
H The view (one of
+orig, +acpc, or +tlrc)
H The suffix (one of .HEAD or .BRIK)
H Example: BillGates+tlrc.HEAD
and BillGates+tlrc.BRIK
H When creating a
dataset with an AFNI program, you supply the prefix; the program supplies the
¥ AFNI programs can read
datasets stored in several formats
H ANALYZE (.hdr/.img file pairs); i.e., from SPM, FSL
H MINC (.mnc); i.e., from mnitools
H CTF (.mri, .svl) MEG
analysis volumes
H NIfTI-1 (.nii) Ñ a new standard format that AFNI, SPM, FSL,
BrainVoyager have agreed upon
H ASCII text (.1D) Ñ numbers arranged into columns