¥ Many important
capabilities in AFNI are only available in batch
H A few examples (of more than 100, from trivial to
¥ 3dDeconvolve = multiple linear regression on 3D+time datasets, to fit
each voxelÕs time series to a model and then test fits for significance
¥ 3dvolreg = 3D+time
dataset registration, to correct for small subject head movements
¥ 3dANOVA = 1-, 2-,
3-, and 4- way ANOVA layouts, for combining datasets in Talairach space
¥ 3dcalc = general
purpose voxel-wise calculator
¥ 3dclust = find
clusters of activated voxels
¥ 3dresample =
resample a dataset to a new grid orientation and/or voxel size