Dataset Directories
¥ Datasets are stored in directories, also called sessions
H All the datasets in the same session, in the same view, are presumed to be aligned in xyz-coordinates
² Voxels with same value of (x,y,z) correspond to same brain location
H Can overlay (in color) any one dataset on top of any other one dataset (in grayscale) from same session
² Even if voxel sizes and orientations differ
H Typical AFNI contents of a session directory are all data derived from a single scanning session for one subject
² Anatomical reference (SPGR or MP-RAGE volume)
² 10-20 3D+time datasets from EPI functional runs
² Statistical datasets computed from 3D+time datasets, showing activation (you hope and pray)
² Datasets transformed from +orig to +tlrc coordinates, for comparison with datasets from other subjects